Small Cities Community Development Block
Grant Program 368
Smithsburg 837
Snow Hill 848
Social Security Income Drug and Alcohol Project 305, 332
Social Services, State Department of 380
Social Services Administration 372, 377, 388
local boards & departments 388
Social Services and Institutional Time Study
Program 389
Social Services Departments, County and City 374
Social Services to Adults 384
Social Work Board 302, 325
Soil Conservauon Committee 189, 198
Soil Conservation Districts 198
Solid Waste Compliance Division 278
Solid Waste Program 257, 271
Somerset 803
Somerset C ounty 823
child care office 375
government 823
)uvenile Justice office 398
property tax assessment appeals board 575
Song, State 18
Sound Barrier Review Panel 521
Southern Maryland Pre Release Unit 470, 487
Southern Maryland Th County Council 713
Southern Regional Education Board 857
Southern States Energy Board 857
Special Appeals Court See Court of Special Appeals
Special Education Division 232, 236, 249
Special Housing Opportunities Program 362
Special Milk Program, SDOE 243
Special Operations Bureau, DSP 499
Special Police 148
Special Projects Division, DHR 391
Special Projects Office, DHCD 369
Special Tactical Assault Team Element 499
Specialized Transportation Committee 637
Speech Language Pathologists Board 301, 321
Speed limit. State 7
Spending Affordability Committee 38, 49
Sport, State 18
Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission 441, 455
Sports 12, 18
agents licensure 416, 430
stadiums 12,585
Spring Grove Hospital Center 309, 344
Springfield Hospital Center 310,344
citizens advisory board 310, 345
Square dancing 16
Stables Board of Inspection 188, 194
Stadium Authority 585
Staff Development Division, Instruction
and, SDOE 232, 236, 247
Standardbred Race Fund Advisory Committee 416, 431
Star Spangled Banner 21,22
State and Local Government Records 527, 530
State and Local Planning 570, 572
State Canvassers Board 538
State Capital 3
State Documents Division 147, 149
State Employees' Health Insurance Advisor)
Council 202,207
State Employees Health Insurance Joint
Oversight Committee 1 W
State Employees Risk Management Admmistrauon 557
State Employees Supplemental Retirement PI ins S88
State Employees Surety Bond C omrruttee 586
State Guard 565
State House Trust 586
State Police Department 491
barracks and detachments 494
historical evolution 491
origin & funcuons 494
secretary 183,493,495
State Reporter 699
State Retirement Agency 582, 583
State Retirement and Pension S^ stem S81
State Use Industries 470, 487
advisory committee 471,487
State's Attorneys Liaison Committee, DJJ 397, 404
Statehood 12
Statewide Cost Allocation Plan 205
Statistics Administration, Policy and Health 301, 321
Statistics and Information Bureau 218
Statistics Service, Agricultural 188, 194
Statutory Revision, Legislauve Drafting and 136
Steam heating companies regulation 581
Stormwater General Permits Di\ ision 278
Striped Bass See Rockfish
Student Achievement and Program Enrichment
Branch 250
Student Advisory Council 554
Student financial aid 555
Student Service Alliance 236, 248
Subcabmet tor Energy Management 624
Subcabmet on Children, Youth, and Families 143,146
Subdivision plats 531
Subsequent Injury Fund Board 587
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services W9, 406
Substance Abuse Program, Community Mental
Health and 301,321
Substance Abuse Program Services 409
Substance abuse treatment 406
Subway systems 12, 13, 516
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Institute 617
Sudlersville 817
Summer Food Service Program 243
Summer Youth Employment Commission 645
Sundry Claims Board, DPSCS 463, 476
Superftmd 257,269
Superintendent of Schools, State 181 233 239,240
Supermax 483
Supplemental Retirement Plans, Teachers and
State Employees 588
Supplemental Security Income for Foster Care
Children 377,389