78 /House of Delegates Maryland Manual 1994-1995
R. CHARLES AVARA, Democrat, District 47, Baltimore dry. Member, House of
Delegates since 1967. Member, Commerce and Government Matters Committee, 1994—;
Appropriations Committee, 1973-93 (vice-chair, 1976-86); Ways and Means Committee,
1993; Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 1983-86.
Member, Joint Expenditure Study Group on Law Enforcement and Transportation.
House Chair, Spending Affordability Committee, 1987-92. Chair, Joint Capital Budget
Committee, 1971-76. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, January 11, 1932. Attended Baltimore
public schools. Honorary Ph.D. in Public Service, University of Maryland Baltimore County,
1993. Served in U.S. Navy, 1953-56. Chairman, Special Committee on School Pupil Transpor-
tation; Committee to Set Minimum Standards for Police Departments. Member, Special High
Impact Courts Committee; Baltimore City Mayor's Coordinating Council on Criminal Justice.
Member, Governor's Committee to Promote Employment of the Handicapped, 1971-76; Gover-
nor's Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice, 1971-80; Commission
to Study the Operation of Security Guards and Special Police, 1972-79; Program Open Space
Allocation Committee, 1972—; Commission to Study the Residential Needs of the Retarded,
1976-77; Asbestos Oversight Committee, 1987—; Maryland 1992 Commission, 1989-92; Ad-
visory Council to Maryland Film Commission, 1989—. Married. Annapolis office: 429 Lowe
House Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel, (410) 841-3547.
JOSEPH BARTENFELDER, Democrat, District 8, Baltimore County. Member of
House of Delegates since 1983. Member. Appropriations Committee, 1988— (education
& human resources subcommittee). Member, Judiciary Committee, 1983-87; Special
House Committee on Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 1990-91, Joint Committee on the
Management of Public Funds, 1990-92; Joint Expenditure Studv Group on Law Enforce-
ment and Transportation, 1991. Former chairman, Baltimore Counry Delegation. Born
in Baltimore, Maryland, January 3, 1957. Graduate of Calvert Hall High School; Towson State
University, B.S. (business administration), 1978. Self-employed in family farming business in
Perry Hall. Sponsor, Overlea Fullerton Recreation Council; elected area delegate, St. Joseph's
Parish Council; member of 11 Democratic and civic clubs in the district. Member, Calvert Hall
Chips Scholarship Program; Calvert Hall Alumni Association; Towson State Alumni Associa-
tion; Baltimore County Farmers' Produce Association; Maryland Farm Bureau; Young Farmers
Group of Maryland Farm Bureau. Married; two children. District office: 8336 Belair Rd.,
Baltimore 21236; tel, (410) 529-2144. Annapolis office: 307 Lowe House Office Bldg.,
21401-1991; tel, (410) 841-3365.
KUMAR P. BARVE, Democrat, District 17, Montgomery County. Member of House
of Delegates since 1991. Member, Economic Matters Committee, 1991— (workers'
compensation subcommittee); House Facilities Committee. Vice-Chair, Montgomery
County Delegation, 1993—- Born in Schenectady, New York, September 8, 1958. Paint
Branch High School, Silver Spring; Georgetown University, B.S., 1980. Financial analyst.
Treasurer and board member, Maryland National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL),
4 years. Elected delegate, Greenbelt Cooperative, 3 years. Founding board member, Montgomery
County Democratic Action Committee, 2 years. Treasurer, Montgomery County Young
Democrats. Democratic Provisional Precinct Chairman, Precinct 9-01, and member. District
17 Caucus. Member, Gaithersburg and Upper Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce;
Washingtonian Towns Civic Association, 3 years; Maryland Citizen Action Coalition; Indian
Cultural Coordinating Committee; Sierra Club. District office: 11 Pontiac Way, Gaithers-
burg 20878; tel. (301) 869-1488. Annapolis office: 224 Lowe House Office Bldg.,
21401-1991; tel. (301) 858-3046, (410) 841-3046.
J. ERNEST BELL II, Democrat, District 29B, St. Mary's & Calvert Counties. Member
of House of Delegates since 1983. Deputy Majority Leader. Member, Judiciary Commit-
tee; Joint Committee on Federal Relations; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics. House
Chair, Joint Oversight Committee on Juvenile Services Initiatives, 1993. House Chair,
Tort and Insurance Reform Oversight Committee, 1993. Past member. Special House
Committee on Drug and Alcohol Abuse. Chairman, St. Mary's County Delegation. Born
in Leonardtown, Maryland, April 26, 1941. Ryken High School; Mount St. Mary's College,
B.S; 1963; Catholic University of America School of Law, J.D., 1966. Served in U.S. Marine
Corps, captain, 1966-70 (Navy achievement medal). Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1970.
Attorney. Member, Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland. Member, St. Mary's County
Property Review Board, 1971-82. Attorney, Commissioners of Leonardtown, 1971-78; attorney,
St. Mary's County Board of Election Supervisors, 1972-82; attorney, St. Mary's County Board
of County Commissioners, 1975-82. Member, State Prosecutor Selection and Disabilities
Commission, 1977-82. Married; four children. District office: 10 Court House Dr.,
Leonardtown 20650; tel. (301) 475-8421. Annapolis office: 217 Lowe House Office
Bldg., 21401-1991, tel. (301) 858-3314, (410) 841-3314.
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