Chairperson: Robert R. Neall, Anne Arundel
County Executive
Ex officio: Kurt L. Schmoke, Mayor of Baltimore;
Roger B. Hayden, Baltimore County Executive;
Donald I. Dell, President, Carroll County Board of
Commissioners; Eileen M. Rehrmann, Harford
County Executive; Charles I. Ecker, Howard
County Executive.
Charles Krautler, Executive Director
600 North Howard St.
Baltimore, MD 21201-4585 (410) 333-1750
The Baltimore Metropolitan Council was cre-
ated in 1992 as the regional planning agency for
metropolitan Baltimore (Chapter 201, Acts of
1992). Replacing the Baltimore Regional Council
of Governments, the Council promotes coopera-
tion among local governments in the Baltimore
metropolitan area to share information, collect
data, and solve common problems. It also antici-
pates future needs in infrastructure, the environ-
ment, and economic development. Under formal
agreements among its members, the Council pro-
vides regional planning for solid waste management
and transportation.
The Council is composed of the chief elected
officials of Baltimore City and Anne Arundel, Bal-
timore, Carroll, Harford and Howard counties.
Chairperson: Melvin G. Mintz, Baltimore County
David G. Boschert, Anne Arundel County Council;
Anthony J. Ambridge, Baltimore City Council;
Julia W. Gauge, Carroll County Board of
Commissioners; Jeffrey D. Wilson, Harford
County Council; Paul R. Farragut, Howard
County Council.
(410) 333-1750
Representatives of the legislative bodies of each
county form a six-member Advisory Board to the
Baltimore Metropolitan Council. The Board meets
three times a year to provide a legislative perspective
on budget issues, programs, and policy.
Chairperson: Carl Balser, Howard County
Jon Arason, designee of Mayor of Annapolis;
Robert J. Dvorak, Anne Arundel County; Victor
Bonaparte, Baltimore City; J. Craig Forrest,
Baltimore County; Steven C. Horn, Carroll
County; Stoney E. Fraley, Harford County;
Frederick P. Rappe, Jr., designee of Secretary of
Nonvoting members: Diane Franks, designee of
Secretary of the Environment; Christine Wells,
Office of Planning.
Staff: Harvey S. Bloom (410) 333-4743
The Transportation Steering Committee of the
Baltimore Metropolitan Council was established by
a May 1992 memorandum of understanding
among the member local governments, the Depart-
ment of Transportation, and the Governor. The
Committee serves as the metropolitan planning
organization for federal transportation certification
and funding. The Committee is composed of repre-
sentatives of the six member governments; the
Mayor of Annapolis; the Secretary of the Environ-
ment; the Secretary of Transportation; and a repre-
sentative of the Office of Planning.
Mary Logan, Coordinator
(410) 333-4881
The Baltimore Metropolitan Council operates
the Regional Information Center, an urban plan-
ning and regional library associated with the Enoch
Pratt Free Library The Center provides data on
demographic and economic trends, transportation
issues, environmental management, waste manage-
ment, and water quality.
Chairperson: David Bryant, Worcester County
Appointed by Somerset County Board of County
Commissioners: Elizabeth Butler; Lorraine Dryden;
Edwin R. McGee.