Maryland Manual 1994-1913 State Senate /65
IDA G. RUBEN, Democrat, District 20, Montgomery County House of Delegates,
1975-87; chair, Montgomery Co. Delegation, 1981 87. Member of Senate since 1987;
Budget and Taxation Committee (subcomm. on public safety, transportation, economic
development, & natural resources); Executive Nominations Committee; Legislative Policy
Committee; Joint Budget and Audit Committee; Special Joint Committee on Economic
Development Strategy (chair, advisory subcomm. on services), 1989; Joint Committee on
Education Funding, 1990. Chair, Montgomery Co. Delegation. Convention chair. National
Order of Women Legislators, 1980; past pres.. Women Legislators of Md. Born and attended
public schools in Washington, DC. Past pres., international bd. member, treas., vice-pyes., B'nai
B'rith Women. Past commissioner, National Anti-Defamation League (national adv. comm.).
Governor's Motor Carrier Task Force for Safety and Uniformity, 1989; NCSL Assembly on the
Legislatures, Committee on Suggested State Legislation and Task Force on Growth and Trans-
portation, Council of State Governments; Montgomery Co. Ad Hoc Committee to Study Status
of Women; Child Support Enforcement Advisory Council. Md. Democratic Party Ethics Com-
mittee. Democratic precinct chair, 1967-74. Democratic clubs. Active in all national, State &
local election campaigns since 1963. Woman of Valor award, B'nai B'rith Women, 1992. Mar-
ried, four sons. District office: 11 Schindler Ct., Silver Spring 20903, tel. (301) 439-2332.
Annapolis office: 204 James Senate Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (301) 858-3634.
PATRICIA R. SHER, Democrat, District 18, Montgomery County. Member, House of
Delegates, 1979-90. Deputy Majority Whip, 1987-89; Deputy Majority leader, 1989-90.
Member, Special Committee on Drug and Alcohol Abuse. Chair, National Legislative Task
Force on Fire Gas Toxicity, 1983-85. Member, Senate since 1991; Finance Committee; Joint
Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing; Special Joint Committee on Legislative
Data Systems; Special Joint Committee on Pensions. Born in Washington, DC, June 19, 1931.
Greenbelt High School; Montgomery Community College; University of Maryland, College ofHu-
man Ecology, B.S., 1983. Advisory Council on Drug Abuse, 1972-78; Interdepartmental Committee
on Mandated Health Insurance Benefits; State Employees' Health Insurance Advisory Council,
1992—; State Council on Cancer Control, 1993—; Maryland Tourism Development Board, 1993—.
Vice-Chair, Task Force to Study Deaths Resulting from Building Fires, 1985-88. Founder, Friends
of RAP (Regional Addiction Prevention), 1971. Member, Committee to Repeal Blue Laws, 1976.
Democratic precinct chair, 1966-78. Hornbook Award, Montgomery Co. Education Assoc., 1982;
Legislator of the Year, Md. Psychological Assoc., 1984; Betty Tyler Public Affairs Award, Planned
Parenthood of Md., 1988, 1992; Distinguished Service Award, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Admin.,
1988; Ann London Scott Memorial Award, Md. NOW, 19S9; Child Advocacy Award, Md. Chapter,
American Academy of Pediatrics, 1992. Married; four children. District office: 2905 Barker St.,
Silver Spring 20910; tel. (301) 589-1555. AnnapoBs office: Presidential Wing, James Senate
Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (301) 858-3137, (410) 841-3137.
JAMES C. SIMPSON, Democrat, District 28, Charles & St. Mary's Counties. Member
of Senate since 1975. Vice-Chairman, Finance Committee. Member, Legislative Policy
Committee; Joint Budget and Audit Committee; Spending Affordability Committee;
Workers' Compensation Benefit and Insurance Oversight Committee. Senate Chairman,
Special Joint Committee on Economic Development Strategy; Joint Subcommittee on
Unemployment Insurance Taxation and Charging. Born in Washington, DC, May 14, 1931.
Served in U.S. Marine Corps, 1951-54. Former president of distribution company. Member,
Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland, Manufacturing Advisory Committee, 1992—.
Chairman, Charles County Sanitary Commission, 1967-70. President, Board of County Com-
missioners of Charles County, 1970-74. Director, Maryland Bank & Trust Company. Past
president, Waldorf Lions Club; past deputy district governor, Lions Club. Honorary member,
Waldorf Jaycees. Member, American Legion; Knights of Columbus; Elks; Izaak Walton League;
Charles County Chamber of Commerce. Selected Citizen of the Year by Waldorf Lions Club,
1974. Married. District office: P.O. Box 188, 1057 St. Ignatius Dr., Suite 120, Waldorf
20604; td. (301) 645-2235. Annapolis office: 316 James Senate Office Bldg.,21401-1991;
tel. (301) 858-3616, (410) 841-3616,
CHARLES H. SMELSER, Democrat, District 4, Carroll, Frederick & Howard Counties.
Member of House of Delegates, 1955-63. Member of Senate since 1967. Member, Budget
and Taxation Committee (chair, capital budget subcommittee; member, public safety,
transportation, economic development & natural resources subcommittee). Member, Ex-
ecutive Nominations Committee; Rules Committee; Legislative Policy Committee; Joint
Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review; Joint Subcommittee on
Program Open Space and Agricultural Land Preservation; Joint Oversight Committee on
Juvenile Services Initiatives, 1992—. Senate Chair, Joint Subcommittee on State's Capital
Program. Born in Uniontown, Carroll County, Maryland, July 4, 1920. Attended Carroll
County public schools; University of Maryland, B.S., 1942. Served in U.S. Air Force, World War
II. Retired dairy farmer. Member, Governor's Commission on Protocol for the Maryland State
Flag, 1989-90; Task Force on the Charles H. Hickey, Jr. School, 1991. Member, Frederick County
Farm Bureau. Past president, Capitol Milk Producers Cooperative, Inc. President, New Windsor
State Bank. Past president, Libertytown- Unionville Lions Club. Married. Annapolis office; 100
James Senate Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3704.