Maryland Manual 1994-1913 State Senate /59
JOHN W. DERB, Republican, District 3, Frederick & Washington Counties. Member
of Senate since 1983. Member, Finance Committee, 1989—; Executive Nominations
Committee; Special Joint Committee on Pensions. Senate Chair, Joint Committee on
Protocol. Former member. Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee; Special Joint
Committee on Transportation, 1983; Tort and Insurance Reform Oversight Committee,
1988-93; Special Joint Committee on Energy Pricing, 1990-91. Born in Frederick, Mary-
land, March 18,1941. Frederick High School; University of Maryland, B.S., 1963; The Ameri-
can College, C.L. U., 1977. Served in U.S. Army Reserves, 1963-69. Insurance agent. Member,
Task Force to Study Incentive Awards Program for State Employees, 1990. Member, Republican
Local Central Committee, Frederick County, 1982-83. Past president, Frederick Jaycees; named
Jaycee International Senator, 1977. Past president, Frederick County Heart Association;
Frederick Life Underwriters Association; board of trustees, Frederick Memorial Hospital. Mar-
ried, four children. District office: 13 W. 2nd St., Frederick 21701; tel. (301) 695-5733.
Annapolis office: 408 James Senate Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3575.
ARTHUR DORMAN, Democrat, District 21, Prince George's County. Member, House
of Delegates, 1965-75; Legislative Council, 1971-75. Speaker Pro Tem, 1971-75. Chair,
Prince George's County Delegation, 1971-75. Member, Senate since 1975. Vice-Chair,
Economic and Environmental Affairs Committee. Member, Executive Nominations Com-
mittee; Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review. Chair,
Prince George's County Delegation, 1980-81. Born in New York, N.Y., October 21, 1926.
George Washington University; Pennsylvania College of Optometry, O.D., 1953. Optometrist.
Served in U.S. Army, World War II. Member, Task Force to Study the Funding of Special
Education, 1985-86; Governors Commission on Excellence in Higher Education, 1985-87;
Chesapeake Bay Trust, 1985—; Maryland Underground Storage Tank Task Force, 1989-91;
Southern Regional Education Board (exec. bd. & legislative advisory comm.); Metropolitan
Washington Air Quality Committee, 1992—; Governor's Task Force on School Construction,
1992—. Member, 21st Dist. & Vansville Dist. Democratic Clubs. Member, Beltsville Citizens'
Assoc.; Beta Sigma Kappa; American Legion; VFW; Prince George's Co. Boys & Girls Clubs;
past pres., Takoma-Langley Kiwanis Club. Member, national, State & local optometric assocs.;
past pres.. Vision Institute of America. Md. Optometrist of the Tear, 1967. National Optometrist
of the Year, 1968. Member, Beth Torah Congregation. Married. Home: 11107 Montgomery
Rd., Beltsville 20705; tel. (301) 937-7411. Annapolis office: 303 James Senate Office
Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3141.
C. BERNARD (BERNIE) FOWLER, Democrat, District 29, Calvert, Anne Arundel
& St. Mary's Counties. Member, Senate since 1983; Economic and Environmental Affairs
Committee; Executive Nominations Committee; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics;
Special Joint Committee on Pensions. Senate Chair, Joint Committee on Chesapeake Bay
Critical Areas; Joint Subcommittee on Program Open Space and Agricultural Land Pres-
ervation. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, March 30, 1924. Graduate of Calvert Sr. High School.
U.S. Navy, 1944-46 (Asiatic-Pacific, American Theatre & Victory medals). Businessman.
Chair, Patuxent River Commission. Member, Governor's Commission on Special Education;
Governor's Task Force on State-Local Fiscal Relationships; Governor's Task Force on Time-Shar-
ing; State Development Council Task Force; State Economic Growth, Resources Protection, and
Planning Commission; Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland (chair, natural resources
comm.); Chesapeake Bay Commission; Governor's Commission on Growth in the Chesapeake
Region; Interdepartmental Task Force on Preservation of State Streams; Maryland Veterans
Home Commission. Member, CalvertCo. Bd. of Education, 1963-69 (pres.. 4yrs.). CalvertCo.
Commissioner, 1970-82 (pres., 9 yrs.). Prince Frederick Lodge 142; Eastern Star; American
Legion; VFW; Elks; Kiwanis; farm Bureau; Chamber of Commerce; Sportsman Club; Potvmac
River Assoc.; Watermen's Assoc. Married; four children. District office: P.O. Box 459, Prince
Frederick 20678-0459; tel. 1-800-492-8342, (410) 535-3366. Annapolis office: 210
James Senate Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3673.
HABERN W. FREEMAN, Democrat, District 34, Harford County. Member of Senate
since 1991. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, August
10, 1941. Lock Haven State College, B.S., 1962; University of Maryland, Physical Therapy
Certificate, 1964. Physical therapist. Councilman, Harford County Council, 1972-74. President,
Harford County Council, 1974-78. Harford County Executive, 1982-86, 1986-90. Member,
American Physical Therapy Association; Maryland Physical Therapy Association. Member, Bal-
timore Blues Society. Married; three children. District office: 2208 Old Emmorton Rd., Suite
102, Bel Air 21015; tel. (410) 638-1714. Annapolis office: 302 James Senate Office Bldg.,
21401-1991; tel. (410) 841-3158.