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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 48   View pdf image
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48 /Legislature

respectively, by the President and the Speaker. Also
serving on the Commission are the Secretary of
Budget and Fiscal Planning; the Director of Plan-
ning; the Secretary of State; and one member each
from the Maryland Association of Counties and the
Maryland Municipal League (Code State Govern-
ment Article, secs. 2-907 through 2-909).


Thomas Patrick O'Reilly, Senate Chairperson
Virginia M. Thomas, House Chairperson

Staff: Pegeen A. Townsend (410) 841-3870
Stephen M. Ports (410) 841-3710


Annual Report to General Assembly due Jan. 1.

The Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery
and Financing was created in 1992 (Chapter 395,
Acts of 1992). Legislators from standing commit
tees with diverse jurisdictions that affect health care
join together on this committee to consider and
study the entire health care delivery and financing
system of Maryland. The Committee oversees and
studies health care issues, including access to health
care; retention of the Medicare waiver; the Medical
Assistance Program (Medicaid); cost containment
mechanisms; health insurance coverage; and short-
ages of health care labor.
Of the Committee's fourteen members, seven
are senators chosen by the Senate President, and
seven are delegates appointed by the House
Speaker. The Senate President and House Speaker
jointly appoint a senator and a delegate as co-chair-
persons (Code State Government Article, sec. 2-


Julian L. Lapides, Senate Chairperson
Kenneth C. Montague, Jr., House Chairperson

Staff: Theodore E. King, Jr. (410) 841 -3870

The Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics was
formed in 1972 (Chapter 5, Acts of 1972). The
Committee renders advisory opinions and promul-
gates rules of legislative ethics with respect to con-
flicts of interest governing members of the General
Assembly. These rules apply on a year-round basis.
The Committee consists of twelve members, six
from the Senate and six from the House of Dele-
gates. The Senate President and House Speaker
serve ex officio. They appoint the remaining mem-
bers and chairpersons. At least one member of the
Senate and one of the House are chosen from the

Maryland Manual 1994-1995

party of the Minority Leader (Code State Govern-
ment Article, secs. 2-701 through 2-707).


Decatur W. Trotter, Senate Chairperson
Jennie M. Forehand, House Chairperson

Staff: E. Phillip Sayre (410) 841-3710


Annual Report to General Assembly on any
recommendations on the Office of Treasurer due
before 1st day of regular session.

The Joint Committee on the Management of
Public Funds was established in 1973 (Chapter
635, Acts of 1973). The Committee reviews policies
and procedures of the State Treasurer on the invest-
ment and management of State funds in the Treas-
ury, State funds not in the Treasury (excluding
retirement system funds), and public funds invested
and managed by local government.
The Committee consists of eight members: four
senators appointed by the Senate President and
four delegates appointed by the House Speaker.
The chairperson and vice-chairperson are desig-
nated by the President and Speaker jointly and serve
at their pleasure (Code State Government Article,
secs. 2-801 through 2-806).


Laurence Levitan, Senate Chairperson
Richard Rynd, House Chairperson

Staff: Warren G. Deschenaux; Marc L. Nicole
(410) 841-3736


Annual Report to Governor & Legislative Policy
Committee due Dec.l.
Report to Governor & Legislative Policy Committee
on recommendations on fiscal goals for State
budget to be considered at next regular session of
General Assembly due Dec. 1.

Established in 1982, the Spending Affordability
Committee studies and reviews the status and pro-
jections of State revenues and expenditures and the
status and projections of the Maryland economy
(Chapter 585, Acts of 1982). The Committee's
purpose is to limit the rate of growth of State
spending to a level that does not exceed the rate of
growth of the State's economy.
Annually, the Spending Affordability Commit-
tee recommends to the Governor and Legislative
Policy Committee the fiscal goals of the State gov-


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Maryland Manual, 1994-95
Volume 186, Page 48   View pdf image
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