State Police Strike Force and the Criminal Intelli-
gence Division are directly under the Superinten-
Contact: Earl E. Dennis (410) 290-0780
In June 1993, the Governor created the Mary-
land State Police Strike Force (Executive Order
01.01.1993.17). Assigned to high crime areas, the
Force is authorized to enforce the law in all areas of
the State, including incorporated municipalities
that have police forces.
Earl E. Dennis, Commander
(410) 290-0780
The Intelligence Division was renamed the
Criminal Intelligence Division in 1990. The Divi-
sion gathers information pertaining to organized
crime, narcotics trafficking, and other strategic data.
Within the Division is the State Clearinghouse for
Missing Children.
(410) 290-0780
toll free: 1-800-637-KIDS
Now within the Criminal Intelligence Division, the
State Clearinghouse for Missing Children was estab-
lished in 1985 (Chapter 496, Acts of 1985). The
Clearinghouse receives, collects, and distributes gen-
eral information and annual statistics regarding miss-
ing children. The Clearinghouse coordinates its work
with law enforcement agencies and persons or groups
concerned with children who have disappeared from
or are thought to be in Maryland.
James E. Harvey, Chief
1201 Reisterstown Road
Pikesville. MD 21208—3899 (410) 653-4212
The Administrative Services Bureau began as the
Logistical Services Bureau organized in 1985. The
Bureau was renamed the Services Bureau in 1987
and received its current name in 1993. The Bureau
is responsible for eight divisions: Central Records;
Communications Services; Facilities Management;
Licensing; Motor Vehicle; Personnel Management;
Supply; and Training. The State Police, through the
Bureau, operates a Police Academy for training its
personnel. These facilities are available to all other
law enforcement agencies throughout the State.
Ida J. Williams, Director
(410) 298-3444
The Central Records Division, formerly the Cen-
tral Accident Records Division, received its present
name in 1990. The Division receives, compiles, ana-
lyzes, and distributes motor vehicle accident reports
from all Maryland law enforcement agencies. The
Division provides aggregate accident data to the State
Highway Administration and police agencies and in-
dividual records as requested to individuals. The Divi-
sion also maintains records of all motor vehicle law
violations through citation control and coordinates all
Maryland Uniform Crime Reporting.
Richard A. Brown, Jr., Commander
(410) 653-4229
The Communications Services Division was
formed when the Electronic Services Division was
consolidated with the Telecommunications Divi-
sion in 1992. The Electronic Services Section main-
tains communication equipment for State Police
and allied local, State and federal agencies. The
Telecommunications Section manages the Law En-
forcement Information and Communication Sys-
tern within the State to include the National Crime
Information Center, the National Law Enforce-
ment Telecommunications Systems, the Interna-
tional Criminal Police Organization, and the
Maryland Interagency Law Enforcement System.
William S. Ebare, Director
(410) 653-4486
In 1992, the Capital Improvements Division
was renamed the Facilities Management Division.
The Division submits requests for capital fund pro-
jects as directed by the Superintendent. The Divi-
sion maintains liaison with the Department of
General Services regarding buildings and projects
of agency interest, and coordinates maintenance
and repair of State Police facilities.
Guy E. Guyton, Jr., Commander
(410) 298-3102
The Licensing Division licenses private detec-
tives and security guards (Code 1957, Art. 56, secs.
543-606). Regarding railroad police commissions,
it conducts investigations and makes recommenda-
tions to the Secretary of State (Code 1957, Art. 23,
secs. 256-266). The Division also issues special
police commissions (Code 1957, Art. 41, secs. 4-
901 through 4-913). All applicants desiring to
wear, carry, or transport a handgun are investigated
by the Division (Code 1957, Art. 27, sec. 36). The
Division also registers firearms and operates a vol-
untary firearms registration service for persons who
acquire or own firearms unregulated by other stat-
utes (Code 1957, Art. 27, secs. 441-448).