William A. Fogle, Jr., Secretary of
Licensing & Regulation
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 333-6200
The Secretary of Licensing and Regulation heads the
Department and is appointed by the Governor with
Senate advice and consent (Code 1957, Art. 41, secs.
8-101 through 8-301). The Secretary serves on the
Governor's Executive Council; the Governor's Con-
struction Industry Employers' Advisory Council; the
Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority
Affairs; the Advisory Council on Landlord-Tenant Af-
fairs; and the Asbestos Oversight Committee.
The Secretary is assisted by the Deputy Secre-
tary, the Assistant Secretary for administration, and
the Assistant Secretary for programs.
Joseph E. Owens, Deputy Swrctary
(410) 333-6200
Reporting directly to the Deputy Secretary are the
two Assistant Secretaries who oversee administration
and the work of the Department's Divisions.
Judith B. Donaldson, Assistant Secretary
(410) 333-6200
The Assistant Secretary for administration over-
sees the Department's administrative functions.
These include financial planning, expenditure con-
trol, budget preparation, grants management, pro-
curement processing, personnel management, fair
employment practices, substance abuse screening,
data processing and management information sys-
tems, general services, facilities maintenance and
security, inventory control, and risk management.
The Assistant Secretary also serves as liaison with
other State agencies, the legislature, the guberna-
torial staff, and the federal government.
Under the Assistant Secretary are five admini-
strations: Administrative Services; Fiscal Services;
Legislative Services; Management Information Sys-
tems; and Personnel Services.
Nancy B. Burkheimer, Assistant Secretary
(410) 333-4181
The programs of the Department are overseen
by the Assistant Secretary responsible for programs.
Under the Assistant Secretary are the Department's
four divisions: Financial Regulation; Labor and
Industry; Occupational and Professional Licensing;
and Racing.
The Division of Financial Regulation includes
the State Bank Commissioner; the Commissioner
of Consumer Credit, and the Financial Audit Serv
ices Team (FAST); and the State of Maryland De-
posit Insurance Fund Corporation.
Margie H. Muller, State Bank Commissioner
David M. Porter, Deputy State Bank Commissioner
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 333-6808
The office of the State Bank Commissioner was
created in 1910 (Chapter 219, Acts of 1910). The
Commissioner's office has general supervision over
all banking institutions in the State except national
banks. It must examine each institution at least once
every calendar year, at such other times as the
Commissioner deems expedient, and at any time
upon request of the board of directors of the insti-
tution. These examinations may be made in con-
junction with federal regulatory agencies.
Every bank, trust company, and mutual savings
bank is required to submit under oath to the State
Bank Commissioner at least two reports in each
calendar year. The reports must exhibit in detail the