Maryland Manual 1994-1995
with Senate advice and consent. They are not
trained as nursing home administrators, have no
financial interests in a related field, and have no
household member who works in this or a related
field. The Governor designates the chairperson and
vice-chairperson; the Board appoints the executive
secretary. Authorization for the Board continues
until July 1, 2003 (Code Health Occupations Arti-
cle, secs. 9-101 through 9-502).
Vacancy, President
4201 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215—2299 (410) 764-4728
The State Board of Occupational Therapy Prac-
tice was created in 1978 (Chapter 909, Acts of
1978). The Board administers, coordinates, and
enforces the provisions of the Maryland Occupa-
tional Therapy Practice Act. The Board evaluates
the qualifications of applicants for licensure and
supervises the examination of applicants. It keeps a
current list of licensed occupational therapists and
occupational therapy assistants.
The Board's seven members are appointed for
four-year terms by the Governor with the advice of
the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene. The
Board includes four licensed occupational therapists,
one licensed occupational therapy assistant, and two
consumers. Appointed with Senate advice and con-
sent, the consumer members are not trained as occu-
pational therapists and have no financial interest in any
related field. Occupational therapy members are
nominated by the Maryland Occupational Therapy
Association. Authorization for the Board continues
until July 1, 2004 (Code Health Occupations Article,
secs. 9-201 through 9-502).
Stanley Feinblum, O.D., President, 1995
Barbara A. Curtis, Administrator
4201 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215—2299 (410) 764-4725
Formed in 1914, the State Board of Examiners
in Optometry administers the optometry laws of
the State and regulates the practice of optometry
(Chapter 652, Acts of 1914). It examines, licenses,
and registers applicants, and may revoke any certifi-
cate of registration or examination for just cause.
The Board consists of seven persons appointed
to four-year terms by the Governor upon the rec-
ommendation of the Secretary of Health and Men-
tal Hygiene from nominees of the Maryland
Optometric Association. Two members are con-
sumers. Appointed by the Governor on the recom-
mendation of the Secretary with Senate advice and
Department of Health & Mental Hygiene /319
consent, consumer members cannot have had train-
ing as an optometrist or have a financial interest in
a related field. Authorization for the Board contin-
ues until July 1, 2003 (Code Health Occupations
Article, sees. 11-101 through 11-602).
Steven S. Cohen, President, 1995
Roslyn Scheer, Executive Director
4201 Patterson Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215—2299 (410) 764-4755
Created in 1902, the State Board of Pharmacy
licenses pharmacists by examination and reciprocity
(Chapter 179, Acts of 1902). It also conducts a
biennial re-registration program for pharmacists. The
Board issues permits for the operation of retail phar-
macies and for the manufacture of drugs, medicines,
toilet articles, dentifrices, and cosmetics. The Board
also licenses jobbers, distributors, and wholesalers or
manufacturers of dangerous (prescription) drugs. In
cooperation with the Department of Health and Men-
tal Hygiene, the Board enforces the pharmacy and
drug laws of the State.
Board members and duly authorized agents of
the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
inspect all pharmacies or other places where pre-
scriptions, medicines, drugs, drug products, or do-
mestic remedies are compounded or sold. They also
inspect prescriptions, medicines, drugs, drug prod-
ucts, or domestic products offered for sale. Pharma-
cists are required to keep in their places of business,
for a period of not less than five years, a file of every
prescription compounded or dispensed.
The Board's eight members include six licensed
pharmacists and two consumers. All are appointed
by the Governor with the advice of the Secretary of
Health and Mental Hygiene for four-year terms.
Each pharmacist member is selected from nominees
of the Maryland Pharmaceutical Association. Ap-
pointed with Senate advice and consent, the con-
sumer members cannot have had training as a
pharmacist or have a financial interest in a related
field. Two members must reside in Baltimore City,
two must reside in the counties, and three must be
from the State at large. The Board may designate
an executive director. Authorization for the Board
continues until July 1, 2003 (Code Health Occu-
pations Article, secs. 12-101 through 12-802).
Charles M. Dilla, P.T., Chairperson, 1994
Ann E. Tyminski, Executive Director
4201 Patterson Ave., Room 318
Baltimore, MD 21215—2299 (410) 764-4752
Authorized in 1947, the State Board of Physical
Therapy Examiners examines and licenses physical