200 /Department of Budget & Fiscal Planning
Maryland Manual 1994-1995
The Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning was established in 1969 (Chapter 78, Acts of 1969).
Its origins, however, date back to 1916, when, by constitutional amendment, Maryland became the first
state to adopt the executive budget system (Chapter 159, Acts of 1916, ratified Nov. 7, 1916). Under
this system, primary responsibility for the budget of State government is assigned to the Governor. During
the nineteenth century, government agencies, private institutions, and citizens all submitted requests for
appropriations directly to the General Assembly, a piecemeal approach which made fiscal planning difficult.
No government agency coordinated the review of government revenues and expenditures to assure a
balanced State budget. In 1900, the Board of State Aid and Charities was formed to examine certain
requests for appropriations and make recommendations to the General Assembly. By 1902, the office of
State Auditor was authorized to review expenditures of several State agencies. Yet, not until the executive
budget system of 1916 was accountability for the whole State budget assigned to one office.
Under the executive budget system, the Governor is required to analyze the needs of State agencies
and balance expenditures against anticipated revenues. To assist the Governor in preparing the budget
and to consolidate State purchasing and budgetary functions, the Department of Budget and Procurement
was formed in 1939, absorbing the Central Purchasing Bureau created in 1920 (Chapter 184, Acts of
1920; Chapter 64, Acts of 1939). The Department of Budget and Procurement was reorganized as the
Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning in 1969 (Chapter 78, Acts of 1969). The Purchasing Bureau,
formerly under the Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning, was transferred to the Department of
General Services in 1970 (Chapter 97, Acts of 1970).
The major responsibilities of the Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning concern the budget of
State government. They include budget development, supervision of budget execution, revenue estimat-
ing, and coordination of State information processing. The Department ensures that current fiscal needs
are met, strives for efficiency in State government, and through evaluation and study of economic
conditions, makes plans to meet future needs.
The General Administration Program of the Board of Public Works was assigned to the Department of
Budget and Fiscal Planning by Executive Order in September 1981. The Office of Capital Budgeting of the
Department of Planning was transferred to the Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning in 1989 and renamed
in 1990 as the Division of Capital Budgeting. In April 1992, the Annapolis offices of the Department were
moved from the Goldstein Treasury Building to the Attman-Glazer Building at 45 Calvert St.
Charles L. Benton, Jr., Secretary of
Budget & Fiscal Planning
45 Calvert St.
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 974-2114
Appointed by the Governor with Senate advice
and consent, the Secretary of Budget and Fiscal
Planning has executive jurisdiction over the Depart-
ment and appoints all division chiefs. The Secretary
serves as principal adviser to the Governor in fiscal
matters and is a member of the Governor's Execu-
tive Council; the Governor's Subcabinet for Energy
Management; the Governor's Subcabinet for Chil-
dren, Youth, and Families; the Governor's Council
on Adolescent Pregnancy; and the Governor's
Commission on Growth in the Chesapeake Region.
The Secretary also serves on the Board of Revenue
Estimates; the Procurement Advisory Council; the
Pricing and Selection Committee for Rehabilitation
and Employment Programs; the Capital Debt Af-
fordability Committee; the Commission on Correc-
tional Standards; the State Use Industries Advisory
Committee; the Asbestos Oversight Committee;
the Task Force on Chesapeake Bay Ferries; the
Peabody Institute Oversight Committee; and the
Board of Trustees for Maryland State Retirement
and Pension Systems.
The Secretary chairs the Interdepartmental
Committee on Mandated Health Insurance Bene-
fits and serves on the Interdepartmental Advisory
Committee for Minority Affairs. The Secretary also
prepares the Department's portion of the agenda
for Board of Public Works meetings (Code State
Finance and Procurement Article, secs. 3-201
through 3-206).
Michael J. Langrehr, Chief of Information Technology
(410) 974-5787
In 1993, first the Governor and then the Gen-
eral Assembly established the position of Chief of
Information Technology to develop policies, proce-
dures, and standards for statewide information
technology (Executive Order 01.01.1993.06;
Chapter 120, Acts of 1993). To assure Maryland's
preeminence in information technology, the Chief
prepares and updates a statewide Master Plan of
Information Technology. Appointed by the Gover-