190 /Department of Agriculture
culture, the Department of Natural Resources, and
the University of Maryland System. By reorganiza-
tion in 1992, the Office was renamed Aquaculture
Development and Seafood Marketing.
Ernest F. Tresselt, Chairperson, 1994
(410) 841-5724
The Aquaculture Advisory Committee was cre-
ated in 1988 (Chapter 534, Acts of 1988). In
consultation with the Senate Economic and Envi-
ronmental Affairs Committee and the House of
Delegates Environmental Matters Committee, the
Committee proposes legislation that promotes a
major aquaculture industry for Maryland's tidal
waters. In 1990, Committee recommendations
helped create the Maryland Seafood and Aquacul-
ture Loan Fund for expanding aquaculture or mod-
ernizing the seafood processing industry (Chapter
511, Acts of 1990).
The Committee consists of twenty-one mem-
bers. Twelve are appointed to three-year terms by
the Governor. Other members include a State sena-
tor designated by the Senate President; a delegate
designated by the House Speaker; one repre-
sentative each of the Departments of Agriculture,
and Natural Resources, designated respectively by
the Secretaries of those departments; a repre-
sentative of the Tidewater Administration, desig-
nated by the Secretary of Natural Resources; and a
representative of the University of Maryland Col-
lege of Agriculture, designated by the Chancellor
of the University of Maryland System. The Secre-
taries of Economic and Employment Development,
the Environment, and Health and Mental Hygiene
each designate a nonvoting member to represent
their respective departments (Code Agriculture Ar-
ticle, secs. 10-1301, 10-1302).
F. William Sieling III, Chief
(410) 841-5820
Seafood Marketing began in 1976 as an office
within the Division of Economic Development un-
der the Department of Economic and Community
Development. In 1987, the Office of Seafood Mar-
keting was transferred to the Department of Agri-
culture as Seafood Marketing Services. It was
renamed Seafood Marketing Section in 1988, and
simply Seafood Marketing in 1992.
Seafood Marketing promotes increased distribu-
tion and consumption of Maryland seafood. It also
seeks efficient methods to reduce cost and improve
the quality and marketability of seafood. Seafood
Marketing publishes the Maryland Seafood Directory
which lists processors, wholesalers, distributors,
and seafood market suppliers for a full range of
seafood and aquaculture products.
Maryland Manual 1994-1995
William R. Woodfield, Jr., Chairperson, 1997
(410) 841-5770
In 1987, the Seafood Marketing Advisory Com-
mission was created within the Department of Ag-
riculture (Chapter 308, Acts of 1987). The
Commission assists Seafood Marketing.
The Commission has thirteen members. The
Governor appoints eleven members with Senate
advice and consent and with the advice of the
Secretary of Agriculture. The Secretary of Agricul-
ture or designee, and the Secretary of Natural Re-
sources or designee are nonvoting, ex officio
members. Members serve four-year terms (Code
Agriculture Article, sec. 10-1101).
Douglas H. Wilson, Director
50 Harry S Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 841-5881
Under the Office of the Secretary, the Office of
Administrative Services oversees the Department's
fiscal, personnel, data processing and central serv-
ices, as well as the Maryland Agricultural Land
Preservation Foundation.
Dan C. Shortall, Jr., Chairperson, 1996
Paul W. Scheidt, Executive Director
50 Harry S Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 841-5860
The Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation
Foundation was created in 1977 (Chapter 784,
Acts of 1977). The Foundation implements the
Agricultural Land Preservation Program. The Pro-
gram's intent is to preserve productive agricultural
land and woodland in Maryland, provide for the
continued production of food and fiber, curb the
extent of urban sprawl, and protect agricultural
land and woodland as open space. The Program
depends on the cooperation of county govern-
ments, which appoint local agricultural preserva-
tion advisory boards. Participation in the Program
is voluntary on the part of landowners.
By agreement with the Foundation, landowners
may initiate the creation of an Agricultural Preser-
vation District in which subdivision and develop-
ment are restricted for at least five years. The
creation of such a district protects normal agricul-
tural activities and enables landowners to make
application to sell a development rights easement.
Based upon the availability of funds allocated by the