188 /Department of Agriculture
Lewis R. Riley, Secretary of Agriculture
50 Harry S Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 841-5880
The Secretary of Agriculture directs the Depart-
ment. The Secretary is the chief executive officer and
is appointed by the Governor with Senate advice
and consent. Responsible for day-to-day opera-
tions, the Deputy Secretary is appointed by the
Secretary with the Governor's approval.
The Secretary serves on the Governor's Executive
Council; the Governor's International Cabinet; the Gov-
ernor's Subcabinet for Energy Management; the Gover-
nor's Council on the Chesapeake Bay; the Governor's
Commission on Growth in the Chesapeake Region; and
the Governor's Pesticide Council. The Secretary also
serves on the Maryland Food Center Authority; the
Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Af-
fairs; the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foun-
dation; the Maryland Winery and Grape Growers'
Advisory Board; the State Soil Conservation Committee;
the Scenic and Wild Rivers Review Board; the State Use
Industries Advisory Committee; and the Board of Re-
gents, University of Maryland System.
The Office of the Secretary includes the Office
of the Assistant Attorney General, internal audit,
intergovernmental and public information func-
tions, Chesapeake Bay Agricultural Programs, Mar-
keting, and Aquaculture Development and Seafood
Marketing (Code Agriculture Article, secs. 2-101
through 2-108).
Under the Secretary of Agriculture, the Depart-
ment is organized into four main offices: Adminis-
trative Services; Food Safety and Consumer
Services; Plant Industries and Pest Management;
and Resource Conservation. The Department also
is served by the Board of Review and the Maryland
Agricultural Commission. The Secretary of Agricul-
ture appoints the State Chemist, the State Veteri-
narian, and the Chief of Weights and Measures.
Thomas W. Simpson, State Coordinator
(410) 841-5865
The Chesapeake Bay Agreement of 1987 com-
mitted the Bay states to reducing nutrient loadings
of phosphorous and nitrogen into the Bay by 40
percent by the year 2000. In Maryland, agricultural
and natural resources agencies, working in tandem
with farmers, have developed a plan to curb nutri-
ent runoff from farmland. The plan sets forth goals
and actions needed to meet the commitments of the
Bay Agreement.
Agriculture also is significant in the tributary
focus of the Bay cleanup. The Department and its
agricultural partners work with farmers across the
Maryland Manual 1994-1995
State on nutrient reduction strategies for ten key
tributary basins within the Chesapeake watershed.
Roger L. Richardson, Chairperson, 1996
(410) 841-5882
The Board of Review hears and determines appeals
from any decision of the Secretary of Agriculture or
agency of the Department subject to judicial review
under the Administrative Procedure Act (Code Agri-
culture Article, secs. 2-401 through 2-405).
A. Orrell Saulsbury III, Chairperson, 1996
Laurie Green, Executive Director
(410) 841-5894
The Maryland Agricultural Commission was
formed in 1961 as the Agricultural Advisory Board
(Chapter 470, Acts of 1961). The Board was re-
named the Maryland Agricultural Commission in
1968 (Chapter 552, Acts of 1968). The Commis-
sion's chief function is to advance Maryland agricul-
ture and advise the Secretary of Agriculture on
agricultural matters. The Commission proposes ag-
ricultural improvements, promotes State agricul-
tural industries and products, and reviews
legislation for its impact on agriculture.
The Commission consists of twenty members.
Nineteen are appointed by the Governor for three-
year terms. They include one consumer, and repre-
sentatives of the dairy, poultry, livestock, tobacco,
nursery, horticulture, field crops, turf, horse breed-
ing, food processing and vegetable industries; the
veterinary profession; the Maryland State Grange;
the Maryland Farm Bureau; and services related to
agriculture. The principal administrative officer for
agricultural affairs at the University of Maryland
System serves ex officio. (Code Agriculture Article,
secs. 2-201 through 2-205).
Henry A. Virts, D.V.M., Acting Deputy Secretary
50 Harry S Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401 (410) 841-5881
The Deputy Secretary oversees Marketing, and
Aquaculture Development and Seafood Marketing,
as well as the Maryland Agricultural Fair Board, the
Tobacco Authority, and the Maryland Winery and
Grape Growers' Advisory Board.
Philip Brendel, Chairperson, 1994
Katrina Bradshaw, Executive Secretary
(410) 841-5770