Maryland Manual 1994-1995 House of Delegates/111
JOHN F. WOOD, JR., Democrat, District 28B, Charles & St. Mary's Counties. Mem-
ber, House of Delegates since 1987. Vice-Chair, Commerce and Government Matters
Committee, 1994—. Vice-Chair, Rules and Executive Nominations Committee, 1993.
Member, Economic Matters Committee, 1987-93 (unemployment insurance subcomm.);
Special Joint Committee on Energy Pricing, 1990-91. Former chair, Charles County
Delegation. Born in Leonardtown, Maryland, January 13, 1936. Charlotte Hall Military
Academy. Served in Maryland National Guard, Sergeant, 1952-60. Owner & operator of
Wood's Food Rite since 1962. Member, Partnership for Workforce Quality Advisory Board;
Interdepartmental Committee on Mandated Health Insurance Benefits; Maryland Veterans
Home Commission; Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland; Chesapeake Bay Commission.
Member, 7th Judicial Nominating Commission, 1980-86; Subcommittee on Mandated Health
Insurance Benefits of Governor's Commission on Health Care Policy and Financing, 1988-89.
Member, St. Mary's County Park and Recreation Board, 1979—; St. Mary's County Hospital
Board, 1982— Bd. of Directors, Mid-Atlantic Food Dealers Assoc., 1976-83 (pres., 1980).
Member, Charles Co. Democratic Club; St. Mary's Co. Democratic Club; Mechanicsville Fire
Dept. Rescue Squad; Mechanicsville & 7th Dist. Optimist Clubs; Mechanicsville Moose. Mar-
ried; nine children. District office; 6230 Waldorf Leonardtown Rd., Mechanicsville 20659,
tel. (301) 884-2345, (301) 934-9645. Annapolis office: 141 Lowe House Office Bldg.,
21401-1991; tel. (301) 858-3247, (410) 841-3247.
BETTY WORKMAN, Democrat, District 1B, Allegany County. Member of House of
Delegates since 1987. Member, Ways and Means Committee, 1993— (lottery subcom-
mittee); Joint Committee on Protocol. Member, Judiciary Committee, 1992; Constitu-
tional and Administrative Law Committee, 1987-92. President, Women legislators of
Maryland, 1993—. Born in Cumberland, Maryland. Frostburg State College, B.S.; West
Virginia University, M.A. Former mathematics teacher, Allegany High School, Cumberland.
Member, Tri-County Council for Western Maryland. Former chair, Professional Standards and
Teacher Education Advisory Board to State Department of Education. Delegate, Democratic
Party National Convention, 1984. Member, Allegany County Democratic Central Committee,
8 years. Past president, 4th Dist. Women's Democratic Club. Member, Allegany County
Democratic Club; Midland Democratic Club. Member, Allegany County Arts Council;
Business and Professional Women; League of Women Voters, Maryland Retired Teachers Assoc.;
Allegany County Retired Teachers Assoc. Member, LaVale Century Club; Cumberland Rotary
Club; Allegany County Historical Society. Served on Board of Directors, Potomac Council Boy
Scouts of America; Cumberland Summer Theatre; Western Maryland Area Health Education
Center. Married; two children. District office: 65 LaVale Court, Cumberland 21502; tel.
(301) 729-2041. Annapolis office: 319 Lowe House Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (301)
858-3462, (410) 841-3462.