108 /House of Delegates Maryland Manual 1994-1995
THEODORE J. SOPHOCLEUS, Democrat, District 32, Anne Arundel County.
Member of House of Delegates since 1993. Member, Commerce and Government Matters
Committee, 1994—. Member, Ways and Means Committee, 1993. Born in Baltimore,
Maryland, May 28, 1939. Patterson Park High School, University of Maryland, B.S. (phar-
macy), 1962. Pharmacist; president, Discount Pharmacy, Corpus Christi, Texas, 1977-80; owner,
Ted's Pharmacy, 1980-90. Member, Anne Arundel County Council, 1982-90. Member, Roland
Terrace Democratic Club; Stoney Creek Democratic Club; District 32 Democratic Club;
Linthicum Shipley Improvement Association. Board member, Sheltered Workshop for the Handi-
capped; Community Action Agency. President and director, Anne Arundel Optimist Club. Past
president, Crestwood Improvement Association; Overlook Elementary PTA. Past member, Hen-
ryton Sub-Area Health Committee; Citizens Advisory Board for Henryton Center; Solid Waste
Commission; Patapsco Area Advisory Commission; Hypertension Commission; Park Advisory
Commission; Drug and Alcohol Advisory Board, Anne Arundel County. Married; three children.
District office; Arundel Center North, Room 510, 101 Crain Highway, N.W., Glen Burnie
21061; tel: (410) 761-9963. Annapolis office: 214 Lowe House Office Bldg., 21401—
1991; tel. (410) 841-3233.
MICHAEL J. SPRAGUE, Democrat, District 28A, Charles County. Member of House
of Delegates since 1975. Member, Economic Matters Committee, 1994—; Joint Com-
mittee on Investigation; Joint Committee on Protocol. Vice-Chair, Rules and Executive
Nominations Committee, 1990-93. Member, Ways and Means Committee, 1975-93
(lottery subcommittee); Joint Committee on Chesapeake Bay Critical Areas, 1988-93.
Former chair, Southern Maryland Delegation. Born in Indian Head, Maryland, October 11,
1940. Attended Indian Head public schools; Charles County Community College; Appalachian
State Teachers College, B.S., 1965. Served in U.S. Army, 1959-61. Insurance agent. Member,
Advisory Commission on Sports; Wildlife Advisory Commission; Tri-County Council for
Southern Maryland. Former member, Governor's Task Force on Tourism. Member, Charles
County Board of County Commissioners, 1970-74. Member, Indian Head-Bryans Road Business
Association; Jaycees; Lions Club; Moose; Elks; Knights of Columbus. District office: P.O. Box
37, Bryans Road 20616; tel. (301) 375-7995. Annapolis office: 216 Lowe House Office
Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (301) 858-3247, (410) 841-3247.
J. ANITA STUP, Republican, District 3, Frederick & Washington Counties. Member,
House of Delegates since 1991; Environmental Matters Committee, 1992—; Special
House Committee on Drug and Alcohol Abuse. Member, Constitutional and Administra-
tive Law Committee, 1991-92. Born in Washington, DC, March 8, 1945. Gaithersburg High
School; Montgomery Junior College. Member, Advisory Committee on School Construction (3
years) and Advisory Committee on Redistricting, 1975-76, 1980 of Frederick Co. Superinten-
dent. Member, Frederick Co. Board of County Commissioners, 1982-86, 1986-90 (president,
1986-90). Member, Business and Professional Women; League of Women Voters; Frederick Co.
Historical Society; Md. Assoc. of Elected Women; Daughters of the American Revolution. Board
of directors, Heartly House; steering committee, Elephant Club; Way Station. Member, Mid-
dletown Valley Republican Women's Club; Frederick Republican Women's Club; Arthritis
Foundation, Md. Chapter. Honorary Chair, Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Life member, Disabled
Citizens of Frederick Co. Past member. Local Government Advisory Group on the Chesapeake
Bay Program. Honorary A.A. degree, Frederick Community College, 1988. Tri-State's Top Ten
"Women on the Move," 1990. Member, Religious Coalition of Frederick Co.; Evangelical
Lutheran Church. Married; two children. District office: 153 W. Patrick St., Suite A,
Frederick 21701; tel. (301) 695-0075. Annapolis office: 324 Lowe House Office Bldg.,
21401-1991; tel. (301) 858-3240, (410) 841-5240.
VICTOR A. SULIN, Democrat, District 32, Anne Arundel County. Member of House
of Delegates since 1991. Member, Environmental Matters Committee, 1992—; House
Facilities Committee, 1993—. Member, Constitutional and Administrative Law Commit-
tee, 1991-92; Joint Expenditure Study Group on Law Enforcement and Transportation.
Chair, Anne Arundel County Delegation, 1994—. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, May 23,
1942. University of Maryland, B.A., 1964. Served in U.S. Air Force, 1964-69 (one year in
Vietnam). Currently in U.S. Air Force Reserve. University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D;
1972. Attorney and urban renewal administrator for Anne Arundel County. Member, Mary-
land State and Anne Arundel County Bar Associations. Former Assistant State's Attorney, Anne
Arundel County. Administrative assistant to Anne Arundel County Executive. Member,
Advisory Board, Law-Related Education for Maryland; Advisory Board, University of Wisconsin
Criminal Justice Institute; Commission on Complementary Medical Methods, 1993—. Mem-
ber, Anne Arundel County Trade Council; Northern Anne Arundel County Chamber of
Commerce. Past president, District 32 Democratic Club. Past vice-president, Glen Burnie
Improvement Association. District office: 85 Burns Crossing Rd., Severn 21144; tel, (410)
551-7349. Annapolis office: 214 Lowe House Office Bldg., 21401-1991; tel. (410)