614/Maryland Manual
1971-72; Attorney Grievance Commission, 1982-83.
Chairman, Commission on Judicial Disabilities, 1990—.
DALE R. CATHELL Judge, 1st Appellate Circuit, Court
ofSpcdal Appeals, since 1989. Born in Berlin, Maryland,
July 30,1937. Stephen Dccatur High School. Served in U.S.
Air Force, 1955-59. University of Maryland, 1962-64;
University of Baltimore School of Law, LL.B., 1967. Ad-
mitted to Maryland Bar, 1967. Member, Maryland State and
Worcester County Bar Associations. City Attorney for Ocean
City. Member, Worcester County Shoreline Commission;
Charter Revision Committee. Organizer, Legal Intern Pro-
gram. Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 2,1980-
81. Associate Judge, Worcester County arcuit Court, 1st
Judicial arcuit, 1981-89.
ARRIE W. DAVIS. Judge, 6th Appellate arcuit. Court
of Special Appeals, since 1990. Born inBalrimore,Maryland,
July 21, 1940. Frederick Douglass Senior High School;
Morgan State University, B.A, 1963; New York University,
M-A., 1966; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D.,
1969. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1969.Mcmbcr,Maryland
State, Baltimore City and Monumental City Bar Associa-
tions. Bailiff to Supreme Bench of Baltimore, 1968-69.
Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1970-71. Assis-
tant attorney general. Criminal Appeals Division, 1971-79;
counsel to Division of Correction, Office of the Attorney
General, 1979-81. Judge, District Court of Maryland, Dis-
trict 1, 1981-83. Associate Judge, Baltimore City Orcuit
Court, 8th Judicial Circuit, 1983 90. Member, Committee
to Study Sentencing and Correctional Alternatives for
Women Convicted of Crime, 1987-88. Member, Legislative
Subcommittee, Maryland Judicial Conference, 1989—.
ROBERT F. FISCHER. Judge, At Large, Court of
Special Appeals, since 1988. Born in Baltimore County,
Maryland, February 29, 1932. Southern High School,
Baltimore; University of Maryland, B.A., 1954; University
of Baltimore School of Law, LL.B., 1961. Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1961. Served in U.S. Air Force and
Maryland Air National Guard. Member, Maryland State
and Howard County Bar Associations. County Solicitor,
Howard County, 1972-73. Associate Judge, District Court
of Maryland, 1973-77. Associate Judge, Howard County
Qreuit Court, 5th Judicial Circuit, 1977-88.
JOHN J. GARRTTY. Judge, 4th Appellate Circuit, Court
of Special Appeals, since 1982. Born in New Haven, Connec-
ticut, December 3,1933. St. Joseph's Orphanage, Burlington,
Vermont; St. Michael's parochial schools, Brattlcboro, Ver-
mont; Montgomery Junior College; University of North
Carolina; American University, BA., 1961; American Univer-
sity School of Law, J.D., 1963. Admitted to Maryland Bar,
1964. Served in U.S. Navy, 1955-59. Member, American,
Maryland State and Prince George's County Bar Associa-
tions; Association of Trial Lawyers of America; Delta
Theta Phi law fraternity. Assistant State's Attorney, Prince
George's County, 1967-69. Assistant attorney general of
Maryland, 1969-71. Member, Prince George's County
Council, 1971-74 (chairman, 1973). Member, House of
Delegates, 1975-78 (vice-chairman. Prince George's
County delegation, 1975-78). Member, State Senate,
1978-82. Outstanding Legislator of the Year, Maryland
State's Attorneys' Association, 1981; Legislator of the
Year, Maryland Association of Counties, 1975 and 1979.
Founder, Breakfast of Champions, Prince George's Coun-
ty; member, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Emerald Isle
Division; charter member, Friendly Sons of St. Patrick.
Author, Affiliate Writing, Practice and Procedure
(Montgomery-Prince George's County Continuing Education
Program); "A History of the Irish in Maryland," 'National
ISbenwMDyest (June 1981).
GLENN T. HARRELL, JR. Judge, At Large, Court of
Special Appeals, since 1991.
DIANA I. GIBBON MOTZ. Judge, 6th Appellate Cir-
cuit, Court of Special Appeals, since 1991.
CHARLES E. MOYLAN, JR. Judge, At Large, Court
of Special Appeals, since 1970. Born in Baltimore, Maryland,
December 14, 1930. Baltimore City College; The Johns
Hopldns University, B.A, 1952; University of Maryland
School of Law, J.D., 1955. Admitted to MarylandBar, 1958.
Served as a special agent m Counter Intelligence Corps.
Member, American, Maryland State and Baltimore City Bar
Associations; The Seldcn Society. Assistant State's Attorney,
Baltimore City, 1959-62; Deputy State's Attorney, Bal-
timore City, 1963; State's Attorney, Baltimore City, 1964-
70. Lecturer on constitutional/criminal law for American
Academy of Judicial Education, National Judicial College,
National College of District Attorneys, and other organiza-
tions. Distinguished Service Award, National District Attor-
neys Association, 1968.
WILLIAM W. WENNER. Judge, 3rd Appellate Circuit,
Court of Special Appeals, since 1985. Born in Brunswick,
Maryland, September 24,1930. BmnswickHigh School and
St. James School; Kenyon College, A.B., 1952; University
of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1958. Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1958. Served in U.S. Army. Member,
Maryland State and Frederick County Bar Associations;
American Judicature Society. Fellow, Maryland Bar Founda-
tion. Deputy State's Attorney, Frederick County, 1960-64.
Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 11, 1978-80.
Associate Judge, Frederick County Circuit Court, 6th Judi-
cial Circuit, 1980-85. Member, Judicial Ethics Committee,
1988— (chairman, 1990—).