498/Maryland Manual
Kent County
Kent County Senior Center
118 North Cross St.
Chestertown, MD 21620 778-2564
Montgomery County
Holiday Park Senior Center
3950 Ferrara Dr.
Wheaton, MD 20906 468-4443
Prince George's County
Prince George's County Dept. of Services &
Programs for the Aging
5012 Rhode Island Ave.
Hyattsville, MD 20781 699-2697
Queen Anne's County
Queen Anne's County Office on Aging
EO. Box 426
Grasonville Senior Center
Grasonville, MD 21638 758-0848
Cencreville: 752-2357
St. Mary's County
Garvey Senior Center
Box 653
Leonardtown, MD 20650 475-5100
Somerset County
Princess Anne MAC Center
424 North Somerset Ave.
Princess Anne, MD 21853 651-0020
Talbot County
Talbot County Health Dcpt.
EO. Box 480
100 South Hanson St.
Easton, MD 21601 822-6828
Washington County
Wishingron County Commission on Aging
Alexander House
9 Public Square
Hagerscown, MD 21740 790-0275
Wicomico County
Pine Bluff MAC Center
1504 Riverside Dr.
Salisbury MD 21801 543-0388
Worcester County
Snow Hill MAC Center
EO. Box 159
107 East Market St.
Snow Hill, MD 21863 632-1289
The LongTerm Care Division directs the planning,
implementation, and evaluation of long-term care
services for the elderiy These services are managed by
the Office on Aging in collaboration with other Stare
departments and agencies. The Division promotes
statewide programs for long-term care of the frail
elderly These programs enable die elderly to reside
in their homes instead of institutions.
The Division directs programs for Senior Com-
munity Care Services, Long-Term Care Om-
budsman, Public Guardianship, and Senior Life
Enrichment Visitation. Operated at the local level,
the Senior Community Care Services Program
screens and assesses applicants and coordinates and
provides services for frail elderly persons. The
Division also provides staff support to the Inter-
agency Committee on Aging Services.
Ilene W. Rosenthal, Chief
The Housing and Continuing Care Division
develops, certifies, and helps operate subsidized
sheltered housing for the elderly Such housing
affords a place to live with staff to assist residents as
needed. To provide long-term shelter and care, the
Division also regulates and certifies continuing care
facilities run by the private sector. Information dis-
closed through the registration process is open to
public inspection by prospective residents.
Suzanne Bosstick, Chief
The Planning and Evaluation Division plans,
develops, and assesses programs and sets priorities
for them. The Division directs and manages legisla-
tive, research, health insurance, and other Office
activities that benefit consumers.
Chairperson: Rosalie S. Abrams, Director on Aging
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair): Jay
Magaziner, Ph.D., 1991; Jolene G. Sullivan, 1991.
Ex officio: Nelson J. Sabatini, Secretary of Health &
Mental Hygiene; Carolyn W. Colvin, Secretary of
Human Resources; J. Randall Evans, Secretary of
Economic & Employment Development;
Jacqueline H. Rogers, Secretary of Housing &
Community Development; 0. James Lighchizer,
Secretary of Transportation.
301 W Preston St., Room 1004
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-1102
Annual Consolidated Operating Budget for Aging
Services submitted to Governor & General
Annual Report to General Assembly.