Michael Kahn, Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair) with
Senate advice & consent: Allan R. On-ison, 1991;
Victor S. Gladstone, Ph.D., 1993; M. Elizabeth
Froehlinger Powell, 1993; James Gerlach, M.D.,
1994; Anthony D. Hagedorn, Jr., 1994.
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
toll free: 1-800-492-7521
The Board of Examiners for Hearing Aid
Dealers originated in 1969 (Chapter 634, Acts of
1969). The Board registers and regulates persons
furnishing hearing aids. It also tests audiometric
resting equipment and inspects the facilities of per-
sons who fit hearing aids.
The Board's six members are appointed to five-
year terms by the Governor with Senate advice and
consent. One is a public member who is hearing-
impaired. One member must be licensed to practice
medicine in Maryland and hold an American Board
of Otolaryngology certificate of qualification. One
member must hold an American Speech and Hear-
ing Association certificate of competence in audiol-
ogy and have had at least four years of paid work
experience in audiology prior to appointment. The
remaining three members must be persons ex-
perienced in the sale of hearing aids and be recom-
mended by the Maryland members of the Hearing
Aid Dealers Association of Maryland, the District
of Columbia, and Delaware. The Governor desig-
nates the chairperson. Authorization for the Board
continues until July 1, 1994 (Code Business Oc-
cupations and Professions Article, sees. 8-101
through 8-602).
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Licensing & Regulation & Senate advice & consent:
not yet appointed
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
toll free: 1-800-492-7521
The State Board of Certified Interior Designers
was created in 1991 (House Bill 734, Acts of 1991).
Charles E. Maloy, Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair) with
advice of Secretary of Licensing Q- Regulation and
Senate advice & consent: Nancy C. O'Donnell,
1989; John R. Lautenberger, 1990; Russell E.
Department of Licensing & Regulation/391
Lowman, 1990; Frederick Y. Ward, 1992; Ralph
H. Donnelly, 1994.
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
toll free: 1-800-492-7521
The State Board for Professional Land Sur-
veyors originated in 1977 as the State Board of
Registration for Professional Land Surveyors
(Chapter 763, Acts of 1977). The Board received
its present name in 1989 (Chapter 3, Acts of 1989).
All persons seeking to practice surveying in
Maryland must submit their qualifications to the
Board or pass its examination before receiving a
certificate of registration to practice. Through the
cooperation of local chapters of the surveying
fraternities, the Board seeks to secure voluntary
compliance with the law and maintain the ethical
standards of the profession. The Board also enforces
the provisions of the registration law and restrains
any violations of it. The Board can investigate char-
ges, as well as hear complaints of violations, sub-
poena witnesses and documents or other pertinent
data, and apply for relief by injunction.
The Board is comprised of six members ap-
pointed to five-year terms by the Governor with the
advice of the Secretary of Licensing and Regulation.
Two members are selected from the public at large,
three are professional land surveyors, and one is a
property line surveyor. The professional land sur-
veyors and property line surveyor may be chosen
from nominees recommended by the Maryland
Society of Surveyors.
The Board is a member of the Maryland Society
of Professional Land Surveyors, which aids in the
reciprocal licensing of surveyors and seeks to
promote uniform standards of licensing in all states.
Authorization for the Board continues until July 1,
1993 (Code Business Occupations and Professions
Article, sees. 15-101 through 15-702).
William F. Kirwin, Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor with advice of Secretary of
Licensing & Regulation and Senate advice & consent:
George L. Mojzisek, 1992; David R. Paulson,
1992; David L. Parrish, 1993; one vacancy.
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
roll free: 1-800-492-7521
The State Board of Examiners of Landscape
Architects was formed in 1971 as the Maryland
Board of Examiners of Landscape Architects
(Chapter 645, Acts of 1971). The Board received
its present name in 1989 (Chapter 3, Acts of 1989).
The Board became part of the Department of
Licensing and Regulation in 1973 (Chapter 4, Acts