Elizabeth Beggs, Executive Director
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
The State Commission of Real Estate Appraisers
was created in 1990 to license real estate appraisers
(Chapter 594, Acts of 1990). Any person who
wishes to provide real estate appraisal services in
Maryland must be licensed by the Commission.
The Commission's nine members are appointed
to three-year terms by the Governor with the advice
of the Secretary of Licensing and Regulation and
Senate advice and consent. Nominated by the
Commission, the Executive Director is appointed
by the Secretary of Licensing and Regulation (Code
Business Occupations and Professions Article, sees.
15.5-101 through 15.5-802).
Vacancy, Chairperson
Appointed by State Commission of Real Estate
Appraisers: not yet appointed
With the approval of the Secretary of Licensing
and Regulation, the State Commission of Real
Estate Appraisers may establish a Real Estate Ap-
praisal Hearing Board. The Board consists of three
members appointed by the State Commission of
Real Estate Appraisers from the Commission's
Pamela J. Edwards, Executive Director
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
toll free: 1-800-492-7521
In 1988, the Secretary of Licensing and Regula-
tion was authorized to license sports agents recruit-
ing athletes in Maryland and to suspend or revoke
such licenses after a hearing (Chapter 695, Acts of
1988). The statute imposes certain duties on sports
agents regarding the filing of contracts, disclosure
of fee schedules, contract cancellation, advertising,
prohibited activities, and record keeping (Code
1957, Art. 56, sees. 632-640).
Mary E. Mays, Executive Director
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
toll free: 1-800-492-7521
The Executive Director of the Licensing Boards
provides centralized administrative staff for the
licensing boards within the Division of Occupation-
Department of Licensing &Regulation/389
al and Professional Licensing. These include twelve
boards and one unit: State Board of Architects;
State Board of Master Electricians; Board of Ex-
amining Engineers; State Board for Professional
Engineers; State Board of Foresters; State Board of
Examiners for Hearing Aid Dealers; State Board of
Certified Interior Designers; State Board for
Professional Land Surveyors; State Board of Ex-
aminers of Landscape Architects; State Board of
Pilots; Stare Board of Plumbing; State Board of
Public Accountancy; and Licensure of Secondhand
Precious Metals and Gem Dealers and
Daniel W. Bennett, Jr., Chairperson, 1993
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair) with
advice of Secretary of Licensing & Regulation <6~ with
Senate advice & consent: Donald B. Ratcliffe, 1991;
Lowell E. Nelson, 1992; Margot W. Milch, 1993;
Charles H. Bohl, 1994; Robert W. Hoover, 1994;
George Bushey, 1995.
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202 333-6322
toll free: 1-800-492-75 21
The State Board of Architects originated in 1935
as the Board of Examiners and Registration of
Architects (Chapter 309, Acts of 1935). The Board
was renamed as the Maryland Architectural
Registration Board in 1968 (Chapter 463, Acts of
1968). In 1989, the Board received its present name
(Chapter 3, Acts of 1989). The Board decides all
matters pertaining to the registration of architects
in Maryland. All persons, corporations, or partner-
ships seeking to practice architecture in the State
must submit their qualifications to the Board or
pass its examination before being registered and
licensed to practice.
The Governor appoints the Board's seven mem-
bers to five-year terms with the advice of the
Secretary of Licensing and Regulation and with
Senate advice and consent. Five members must be
architects who have engaged in independent prac-
tice for at least ten years. At least three members
must be graduates of approved schools of architec-
ture. Two members represent the public. The
Governor designates the chairperson. Authoriza-
tion for the Board continues until July 1, 2003
(Code Business Occupations and Professions Ar-
ticle, sees. 3-101 through 3-701).
James R. Brown, Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor with Senate advice & consent:
Denner L. Buder, 1990; Wade H. Sheriff. Jr.,
1990; Rudolph C. Worch III, 1990; Jack W.
McCorkle, 1991; Calvin Mims, 1991; Robert R.