256/Maryland Manual
statewide air sampling and monitoring network and
collection stations for acid deposition Regularly
the Program prepares air quality data reports and
manages air data bases for other programs The
Program also conducts special sampling studies for
toxics and other purposes
Donald Andrew, Administrator
631 3225
The Air Toxics and New Source Permits Pro-
gram was established in September 1988 The Pro-
gram reviews applications and issues permits for
businesses to construct new industrial processes or
modify existing ones that might become sources of
air pollution The Program also ensures compliance
with emission standards for toxic air pollutants from
new and existing suun-es Permits alsu are issued tu
allow businesses to sell or burn waste oil with
specified equipment
Ronald Lipinski, Administrator
Organized in September 1988, the Enforcement
Program conducts inspections and enforces air pol
lution laws and regulations affecting industries that
are major and technically demanding stationery
sources of air pollution The Program also ad
ministers the Operating Permit Program of the Air
Management Administration
Frank Whitehead, Administrator
631 3200
The Community Environmental Services Pro-
gram has been responsible for State asbestos and
noise programs since September 1988 The Pro
gram enforces air quality standards as they relate to
areas such as asphalt plants, quarries, special medi
cal waste incinerators, and training for incinerator
operators The Program responds to all cinzen com-
plaints regarding air pollution and coordinates the
emergency response activities of the Air Manage-
ment Administration To allow for statewide ac
tions, regional offices are maintained in Western
Maryland as well as on the Fastern Shore
Daniel Meszler, Administrator
The Mobile Sources Control Program was formed
in September 1988 to deal with mobile sources of
air pollution The Program sets standards for motor
vehicle emissions and helps administer the Motor
Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program (VEIP)
Richard W Colhns, Acting Director
2500 Broenmg Highway
Baltimore, MD 21224 631 3304
The Hazardous and Solid Waste Management Ad
ministration originated as the Wiste Management Ad
ministration in the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene It became parr of the Department of the
Environment in 1987 (Chapter 306, Acts of 1987) and
received its present name in 1988 The Administration
provides for the safe collection and disposal of solid
wastes It regulates and inspects industrial wastewater
treatment facilities and controls the transport, storage,
and disposal of hazardous substances
Industrial wastes may not be discharged nor
designated hazardous substances disposed of
without an Administration permit The Administra
don conducts inspections to assure compliance with
the conditions of permits, certifications, and licen
ses that have been issued and investigates reported
water and pollution violations It also administers
the Resource Conservation and Recovery Planning
Act The Office of Recycling within the Solid Waste
Program leads State recycling initiatives
Under the Administration are seven programs
Operational Management, Solid Waste, Hazardous
Waste, CERCLA/UST/LUST, Enforcement, In
dustnal Discharge, and Emergency Response
Scott Burns, Chairperson, 1993
Appointed by Governor (10 with advice of Secretary of
the Environment, 3 with Senate advice eSr consent)
David T Lewis, 1990, Gary L Smith, 1991,
Richard G LaBrocco, 1992, George G Perdikakis,
1992, Sanford M Shapiro, 1992, Dennis J Brady,
1993, Paul R Gartelmann, 1993, Stephen L
Pattison, 1993, David H Rosenblatt, Ph D ,
1993, Byron S Tepper, Ph D , 1993, Jeffrey L
Tryens, 1993
Staff Karen Roof 631-3305
The Controlled Hazardous Substance Advisory
Council was created in 1976 (Chapter 618, Acts of
1976) Formerly under the Department of Health
and Mental Hygiene, the Council was placed within
the Department of the Environment in 1987
(Chapter 306, Acts of 1987)
The Council advises the Department and assists
in identifying any hazardous substance as a control
led hazardous substance The Council also helps