MARTHA S. KLLMA, Republican, District 9. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, December
3,1938. Notre Dame Preparatory School; Villa lulie College, A.A. Homemaker. Member,
State Planning Commission. Former secretary, Central Maryland Health Systems Agency.
Vice-President, Women Legislators of Maryland, 1988. President, School Board Nominat-
ing Convention of Baltimore County, two terms. Delegate, Republican National Conven-
tion, 1984. Chairperson, Membership Relations Committee, Baltimore County Chamber
of Commerce. Governing Trustee, Council on Economic Education in Maryland. Board
member, Center for Prevention of Child Abuse of Maryland. Vice-Chairman, Board of
Directors, Greater Baltimore Medical Center. Board of Trustees, The Jenkins Memorial.
Award of merit for outstanding services to community, Baltimore County Chamber of
Commerce, honorary life membership, Maryland Congress ofPTAs. Woman of the Year
Award, Towsontowne Business and Professional Women's Club, 1988. Married; three
children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1983. Member, Appropriations Com-
mittee; Joint Budget and Audit Committee; Special Joint Committee on the Medical
Assistance Program. State Chairman, American Legislative Exchange Council. Member,
Southern Legislative Conference (energy committee). District office: 1403 Newport PI.,
Lutherville 21093; tel. 337-2799. Annapolis office: 308-B Lowe House Office BIdg.,
21401-1991; tel. 841-3359.
CHARLES W. KOLODZIEJSKI, Democrat, District 31. Born in Baltimore, Maryland,
November 4, 1927. Southern High School. Production supervisor. Served in Army of
Occupation in the Philippines, 1946-47; received Army of Occupation Medal, World War
II Victory Medal. Chairman, Democratic State Central Committee, Anne Arundel County,
1982-83. Member, Cox Creek Sewer Facility Plan Committee, 1981—. Past president (6
terms). Powerful Stoney Creek Democratic Club Member, Lake Shore, Roland Terrace,
Severna Park, and 33rd District Democratic Clubs. Member, American Legion, VFW;
Curtis Bay Athletic Club. Married; five children. Member of House of Delegates since 1983.
Member, Economic Matters Committee. District office: 168 Carvel Beach Rd., Baltimore
21226, tel. 255-2043. Annapohs ofT-icc: 213 Lowe House Office BIdg., 21401-1991; tel.
NANCY K. KOPP, Democrat, District 16. Born in Coral Uables, Florida, December 7,
1943. Wellesley College, B.A., cum laude; University of Chicago, M.A., Ph.D. studies.
National Defense Education Fellow. Political scientist. Member, Commission on Excellence
in Higher Education; Task Force on Student Financial Aid; Commission on Compensation
and Personnel Policies. Member, Women's Suburban Democratic Club; Women's National
Democratic Club, League of Women Voters; AAUW; American Jewish Committee.
Outstanding Young Woman of Maryland, 1978. Awards and citations from AAUW; Md
Victim Advocacy Network; Md. Independent Colleges and Universities; Md. Classified
Employees Assoc. Married; two children. Member of House of Delegates since 1975.
Speaker Pro Tern, 1991—. Member, Appropriations Committee (chairman, subcommittee
on education and human resources); Joint Budget and Audit Committee; Joint Committee
on the Management of Public Funds. Vice-Chairman, Montgomery County Delegation.
Chairperson, Legislative Study Group, 1977-78. Treasurer, Maryland Order of Women
Legislators, 1975-79. Chair, Committee on Fiscal Affairs and Oversight, National Con-
ference of State Legislatures. District office: 6301 Dahlonega Rd., Bethesda 20816; tel.
229-0385. Annapolis office: 313 Lowe House Office BIdg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3391;
Washington metro area: 858-3391.
CAROLYN J. KRYSIAK, Democrat, District 46. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, August
9, 1939. The Catholic High School; University of Maryland; Essex Community College;
Community College of Baltimore. Supervisor, Baltimore City Department of Finance.
Board of Directors, Southeast Development, Inc. (SDI), the nonprofit development
affiliate of the Southeast Community Organization (SECO). Community Advisory Board
and Planning Committee for Southeast Teens (SET) for Success. Past President, Polish-
American Citizens Committee. Advisory Board, Francis Scott Key Medical Center. Alter-
nate delegate to Democratic National Convention, 1988. Member, Democratic State
Central Committee. Member, Second Ward Democratic Club; Polish-American Congress,
Joseph Lee Community Organization; Polish Home Club; Polish Women's Alliance.
Member, Our Lady ofFatima Church Choir. Married; five children. Member of the I louse
of Delegates since 1991. Member, Judiciary Committee, 1991—. District office: 364
Cornwall St., Baltimore 21224; tel. 633-2927. Annapolis office: 316 Lowe House Office
BIdg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3303.