Ill/Maryland. Manual
RONALD A. GUNS, Democrat, District 36. Born in Elkton,Maryland, October 9,1948.
Corpus Chrisri High School, Elsmerc, Delaware; Cecil Community College; University of
Maryland. Employed by C & P Telephone Company. Served in U.S. Army, 1969-71, with
a tour in Vietnam, 1969-70. Member, Knights of Columbus; Elks, VFW; American
Legion. Former secretary, Cecil County Junior Football League. Married, five children.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1983. Chairman, Environmental Matters
Committee, 1991— (vice-chairman, 1989-90). Member, Legislative Policy Committee,
House Chairman, Joint Committee on Health Care Cost Containment. Chairman, Eastern
Shore Delegation, 1989-90. Member Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and
Legislative Review, 1989-90. Member, Chesapeake Bay Commission. District office: 107
Railroad Ave., Elkton 21921; tel. 392-4422 Annapolis office: 404 Lowe House Office
Bidg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3442.
JAMES M. HARKINS, Republican, District 35A. Born in Havre de Grace, Maryland,
December 29, 1953. Harford Community College, A.A., 1987. Police officer/deputy
sheriff. Chairman, Republican Central Committee, Harford County, 1986-90. Member,
Harford County Charter Review Board, 1987. Past president. North Harford Republican
Club. Past president, Harford Lodge Fraternal Order of Police. Member, Highland
Community Association; Community Coalition of Harford County, North Harford
Elementary PTA, Mt. Ararat Lodge AF&AM. Police Officer of the Year—Harford County,
Baltimore SUB, 1981. Deputy Shenffbfthe Year, Harford County, 1981. Law Enforcement
Award, Susquehanna Optimist Club. Law Enforcement Commendation Medal. Member,
Emory United Methodist Church. Mamed, one child. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1991. Member, Judiciary Committee. District office: 1201 Old Pylesville Rd.,
Whiteford 21160, tel. 836-1437. Annapolis office: 326 Lowe House Office Bidg , 21401-
1991; tel. 841-3289.
HATTIE N. HAKAISON, Democrat, District 45. Born in Lancaster, South Carolina.
Attended Charlotte, North Carolina, and Baltimore City public schools. Graduate of
Antioch College. School teacher. Consultant to Mott Foundation, Flint, Michigan, Inter-
national Community Education Association, Melbourne, Australia. President, Maryland
Association for Community Education. Appointed to National Community Education
Advisory Council. Former member. Democratic State Central Committee, Baltimore City;
Commission on Women. Member, Eastside Democratic Organization; Maryland Associa-
tion for Mental Health; Citizens for Fair Housing, League of Women Voters; NAACP,
YWCA, East Baltimore Women's League; National Laboratory for the Advancement of
Education. Recipient of numerous service awards. Married Member of the House of
Delegates since 1973. Member, Economic Matters Committee. Chair, Rules and Executive
Nominations Committee (first Black woman to chair a legislative committee). Member,
Legislative Policy Committee; Protocol Committee. District office: 1054 N. Milton Ave.,
Baltimore 21213; tel. 342-4414. Annapolis office: 323 Lowe House Office Bidg, 21401-
1991; tel. 841-3325.
THOMAS H. (TOM) HATTERY, Democrat, District 4A. Born in Silver Spring,
Maryland, January 20, 1954. Linganore High School; Drew University; The American
University, B.A., cum laude, 1974. Vice-President, Lomond Publications, Inc., editor,
Police Cr Security Bulletin, editor/author, Western Maryland: A Profile (1980). Farmer.
Member, Izaak Walton League; United Democrats of Frederick County, Farm Bureau;
League of Women Voters; Chamber of Commerce; Aircraft Owners and Pilots Associa-
tion. Married; two children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1983. Member, Ways
and Means Committee. House Chairman, Joint Subcommittee on Taxation of the Telecom-
munications Industry. Member, Southern States Energy Board; Southern Legislative
Conference (committee on energy). District office: 3 South Main St., Mt. Airy 21771, tel
694-0123. Annapohs office: 209 Lowe House Office Bidg., 21401-1991, tel. 841-3107
or toll free 1-800-492-7122.