104/Maryland Manual
LEWIS R- BJLEY, Republican, District 38. Born in Parsonsburg, Maryland, February
19,1935. Graduate ofWicomico Senior High School. Farmer; poultiyman; businessman.
Member, Wicomico County Council, 1966-78 (president, four years, vice-president, four
years). President, Maryland Association of Counties, 1973; Advisory Board of Holly
Center; Delmarva Advisory Council. Member and past president, Parsonsburg Volunteer
Fire Department. Member, Wicomico Farm Bureau. Member, advisory board. First
National Bank. President, Beaver Run Farms, Inc. Director, Farmers and Planters Com-
pany. Married; three children. Member of the House of Delegates, 1979-87. Minority
Whip, 1982-87. Member of the Senate since 1987. Member, Budget and Taxation
Committee; Executive Nominations Committee; Joint Committee on Chesapeake Bay
Critical Areas. District office: Box 130, Parsonsburg 21849; tel. 742-3999. Annapolis
office: 409 James Senate Office BIdg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3645.
IDA G. RUBEN, Democrat, District 20. Born and attended public schools in Washington,
DC. Past president, international board member, treasurer, vice-president, B'nai B'rith
Women. Past commissioner. National Anti-Defamation League (national adv. comm.)
NCSL Assembly on the Legislatures; Council of State Government Comm. on Suggested
State Legislation; Montgomery Co. Ad Hoc Comm. to Study Status of Women; Child
Support Enforcement Advisory Council. State Democratic Party Ethics Comm.
Democratic precinct chair, 1967-74. Democratic Clubs. Active in all national. State & local
election campaigns since 1963. Married; four sons. House of Delegates, 1975-87; chair,
Montgomery Co. Delegation, 1981-87; convention chair. National Order of Women
Legislators, 1980; past president. Women Legislators ofMd. Member of Senate since 1987,
Budget and Taxation Committee (subcomm. on public safety, transportation, economic
development, & natural resources); Executive Nominations Committee; Legislative Policy
Committee; Joint Budget and Audit Committee, Joint Protocol Committee; Special Joint
Committee on Economic Development Strategy (chair, advisory subcomm. on services), 1989,
Joint Committee on Education Funding, 1990. Chair, Montgomery Co. Delegation. Governor's
Motor CamerTask Force for Safety and Uniformity, 1989; Council of Government's Task Force
on Growth & Transportation. District office: 11 Schindler Ct., Silver Spring 20903; tel.
439-2332. Annapolis office: 204 James Senate Office BIdg., 21401-1991, tel. 858-3634.
PATRICIA R. SHER, Democrat, District 18. Born in Washington, DC, June 19,1931.
Grecnbelt High School; Montgomery Community College; University of Maryland,
College of Human Ecology, B.S., 1983. Founder, Friends of RAP (Regional Addiction
Prevention), 1971. Member, Committee to Repeal Blue Laws, 1976. Democratic precinct
chairman, 1966-78. Member, Maryland Drug Abuse Council, 1972-78. Hornbook Award,
Montgomery Co. Education Assoc., 1982; Legislator of the Year, Maryland Psychological
Assoc., 1984; Betty Tyier Public Affairs Award, Planned Parenthood of Maryland, 1988;
Distinguished Service Award, Maryland State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration,
1988. Ann London Scott Memorial Award, Maryland NOW, 1989. Mamed; four children.
Member of House of Delegates, 1979-90. Deputy Majority Whip, 1987-89; Deputy
Majority Leader, 1989-90. Member, Interdepartmental Committee on Mandated Health
Insurance Benefits, Special Committee on Drug and Alcohol Abuse. Chair, National
Legislative Task Force on Fire Gas Toxidty, 1983-85. Vice-Chair, Task Force to Study
Deaths Resulting from Building Fires, 1985-88. Member of Senate since 1991. Member,
Finance Committee; Special Joint Committee on the Medical Assistance Program; Special
Joint Committee on Energy Pricing; Special Joint Committee on Legislative Data Systems.
District office: 1916 Rookwood Rd., Silver Spring 20910; tel. 589-7188. Annapolis office:
304 James Senate Office BIdg , 21401-199]; te] 858-3155, 841-3155
JAMES C. SIMPSON, Democrat, District 28. Born in Washington, DC, May 14,1931.
Former president of distribution company. Served in U.S. Marine Corps, 1951-54
Chairman, Charles County Sanitary Commission, 1967-70. President, Board of County
Commissioners of Charles County, 1970-74. Past president, Waldorf Lions Club; past
deputy district governor. Lions Club. Honorary member, Waldorf Jaycees. Member,
American Legion; Knights of Columbus; Elks; Izaak Waiton League; Charles County
Chamber of Commerce. Selected Citizen of the Year by Waldorf Lions Club, 1974.
Director, Maryland Bank & Trust Company. Mamed. Member of the Senate since 1975.
Vice-Chairman, Finance Committee. Member, Legislative Policy Committee; Joint Budget
and Audit Committee, Spending Aflbrdability Committee, Workers* Compensation
Benefit and Insurance Oversight Committee. Senate Chairman, Special Joint Committee
on Economic Development Strategy. District office: P.O. Box 188, Waldorf 20604; tel.
645-2235. Annapolis office: 316 James Senate Office BIdg., 21401-1991; tel. 841-3616.