State Central Committees/605
Daniel E. Fleming, Chairperson
Joyce L. Terhes, First Vice-Chairperson
James E. House, Second Vice-Chairperson
Victor Clark, Jr., Third Vice-Chairperson
Kyo R. Jhin, Secretary
Susan K. Saum-Wicklein, Treasurer
Daniel H. Honemann, Parliamentarian
James C. Wright, Legal Counsel
Michael W Burns, Executive Director
National Committeepersons: Helen D. Bentley; Richard E Taylor.
Field Division, Republican National Committee: Lisa Friel; John Guzik.
Janet Steed, Maryland Federation o/Republican Women
Gregory K. Washington, Maryland Black Republican Council
Dorita deLemos Down, Hispanic Council
Michelle Meeden, Maryland Federation of College Republicans
Sallie Bloomfield, Maryland Federation of Young Republicans
Dr. Pin Yu Chang, MarylandFederation of Republican Asian Americans
Stephen Basarab, Maryland State Republican Heritage Groups Council
Terms expire 1990.
60 West St., Suite 201
Annapolis, MD 21401 263-2125
The Republican State Central Committee is the governing body for the Republican Parry of Maryland.
The State Central Committee consists of the members of the County Central Committees and the
Baltimore City Central Committee.
Members of County or Baltimore City Central Committees are elected by the qualified Republican
voters of each county and Baltimore City in primary elections held in years of gubernatorial selection in
the State. Any person who is a bona fide county or Baltimore City resident and a registered Republican
voter may file a candidacy with the local Board of Supervisors of Elections.
J. David Lewis, Chairperson.
Troy Giatras; Wilbur Hite; Robert L. Jeffrey;
Robert L. Lewis; Herbert L. May; Vicki Rae.
James C. Wright, Dist. 30, Chairperson.
Dist. 29A: Vacancy. Dist. 30: Daniel E. Fleming;
Mary Rose. Dist. 31: Martha Bixler; William E.
Smith, Jr.; Helen R. Staley. Dist. 32: Marietta
Kemp; Thomas D. Mooney; Charles R. Serio. Dist.
33: Lynda G. Love; Stuart G. Morris; Robert
David R. Blumberg, Dist. 42, Chairperson.
Dist. 39: Lillian D. Alexander; Victor Clark, Jr.;
Madie E. Mitchell. Dist. 40: Lori J. Adair; Doris
Asantewa; Charles James Troy. Dist. 41: Eddie J.
Adair; Keith B. Adair; Verdell Adair. Dist. 42:
Eleanor Holliday Cross; Susan P. Waller. Dist. 43:
David R. Durfee; Robert Menas; C. C. Moss. Dist.
44: Kathleen B. Buffington; Eliot P. Hurd; Ann
Taylor. Dist. 45: Paul E. Miller, Sr.; Mary L.
O'Brien; Leah Pasenker. Dist. 46: Leo Wayne
Dymowski; Carol L. Hirschburg; Constance L.
Norris. Dist. 47: Michael Luther Burgess; Charles
H. Howe; Gilda Johnson.
Richard D. Bennett, Dist. 12, Chairperson.
Dist. 5B: Wanda Nesbitt. Dist. 6: Teresa Mancuso
Albright; Michael J. Davis; Leonard Kraus. Dist.
7: Robert H. Estes; Lester A. Foster; Paul M.
Zulrowski. Dist. 8: Michael Kosmas; Marjorie J.
Neuman; Gary D. Snyder. Dist. 9: John P.
Brandau; Michael W. Burns; Victoria Chambers.
Dist. 10: R. Karl Aumann; Theodore J. Davis;
Christopher R. West. Dist. 11: Beverly Eileen
Goldstein; Robert Allen Hoffman; Eleanor K.
Wang. Dist. 12: Jeffrey Atherholt; Dennis
Lanahan; John A. Messina.
Elbert T. Turner, Chairperson.
Robert Lee Conway; Margaret L. Hoefer;
Katharine C. Hurrey; Boyd King; Darlene
Kostelnick; Mary Frances Parish.