Apprenticeship Information Center
Advisory Committee ........................ 181
Appropriations Committee (House) ............... 38
Appropriations Summary FY 1986 .............. 643
Appropriations Summary FY 1987 .............. 644
Arbitration of Labor Disputes .................. 279
Areheologist, State............................ 300
Archeology Advisory Committee ................ 300
Archeology Division .......................... 300
Architectural Registration Board ................ 284
Architectural Review Board .................... 209
Archives, State ............................... 384
Archives of Maryland.......................... 386
Archivist, State............................... 384
Ark and Dove ................................. 10
Armories, State .............................. 419
Arthritis and Related Diseases Commission ....... 236
Arthritis Task Force .......................... 364
Article Selection Committee ..................... 46
Artistic Property Commission .................. 386
Artists Council............................... 415
Arts Council................................. 179
Asbestos Insulation Problems Task Force......... 364
Asbestos Litigation Unit ....................... 146
Asbestos Unit, DOS .......................... 203
Assessment Appeals Boards .................... 422
Assessments and Taxation Department........... 387
Assessments Supervisor, County................. 541
Assistance Programs, Catalog of State............ 333
Assistant Attorneys General................ 149-152
Athletes Council ............................. 415
Athletic Commission .......................... 282
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission...... 458
Attendant Care Program....................... 190
Attendant Care Program Advisory Committee..... 190
Attorney General
biography of Attorney General Curran.......... 25
duties .................................... 145
historical list .............................. 709
Attorney Grievance Commission ................ 482
Attorneys General, Assistant ................... 149
Audiologists Examiners Board .................. 236
Auditor, Legislative ............................ 47
Audits, performance .......................... 172
Automated Geographic Information System....... 334
Automobile Insurance Fund .................... 388
Automobile insurance requirements ..............388
Automobile title and registration information...... 339
Automotive Safety Enforcement Division .........316
Aviation Administration ....................... 342
Aviation Division, State Police.................. 316
Backbone Mountain Youth Center ..............413
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, chartered ........... 12
Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly ................. 17
Baltimore City
descriptive data ............................ 554
incorporated................................ 11
legislative district maps ................... 56, 60
mayors, historical list ....................... 727
museums and historical societies .............. 554
offices and officials...................... 554-562
property tax assessment appeals board ......... 422
Baltimore City Correctional Center .............. 323
Baltimore County
descriptive data ............................ 562
General Index/879
legislative district map ....................... 61
offices and officials ...................... 562-566
property tax assessment appeals board ......... 423
Baltimore Oriole............................... 16
Baltimore port ................................. 4
Baltimore Pre-Release Unit..................... 323
Baltimore Public Buildings and Grounds Division.. 208
Baltimore Region Correctional Institutions
Advisory Committee ........................ 322
Baltimore Retail Food Price Report .............. 164
Baltimore Washington International Airport ...... 342
Baltimore's Maryland Marathon ................ 357
Bank Commissioner........................... 275
Banking Board ............................... 276
Barber Examiners Board ....................... 282
Bass,striped .................................. 15
Battered Spouse Program ...................... 271
Bicentennial of U.S. Constitution,
Maryland Office............................ 387
Biennial Budget Feasibility Committee ........... 365
Bilk ......................................... 33
bin service ................................. 35
emergency.................................. 33
passage of.................................. 33
preffled .................................... 33
status of ................................... 35
Bird, State.................................... 16
Birth records ................................ 216
Black and Minority Health Commission .......... 349
Black-eyed Susan .............................. 16
Blind Industries and Services of Maryland ........ 389
Block Grants Advisory Committee, Educational . .. 353
Blue Sky Advisory Committee .................. 148
Board of Education, County.................... 542
Board of Education, State...................... 187
Board of Public Works ........................ 141
Board of Public Works Secretary................ 141
Boards and Commissions Programs
Office, DHMH............................. 235
Boat, State ................................... 17
Boat Act Advisory Committee .................. 304
Boat Dealer Advisory Council .................. 292
Boat titling and registration information .......... 292
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Law ........... 279
Boiler Rules Board ........................... 279
Bowie State College ...........................440
Boys' Village of Maryland ..................... 412
Brandenburg Center........................... 228
citizens advisory board ...................... 228
Bridges,toll ................................. 341
Budget, FY 1986 ............................. 643
Budget, FY 1987 ............................. 644
Budget Analysis Division ...................... 171
Budget and Audit Committee, Joint .............. 41
Budget and Fiscal Planning, Department of....... 171
Budget and Procurement Department............ 171
Budget and Taxation Committee (Senate).......... 37
Budget bill .............................. 32, 135
Budget Book, State ........................... 171
Budget Management Office, DHMH ............. 214
Building Codes Administration ................. 257
Building Fires, Task Force to Study Deaths
Resulting from............................. 351
Business Assistance Center ..................... 175
Business Development Division ................. 175