7 56/Maryland Manual
so chosen as Governor by the General Assembly shall then nom-
inate a person to succeed to the office of Lieutenant Governor,
upon confirmation by the affirmative vote of a majority of all
members of the General Assembly in the same joint session. The
President of the Senate shall serve as acting Governor until the
newly elected Governor has qualified. If a vacancy exists in the
office of Lieutenant Governor, at a time when the Lieutenant
Governor is authorized to serve as acting Governor, the Presi-
dent of the Senate shall serve as acting Governor. If there is a
vacancy in the office of the President of the Senate at a time
when he is authorized to serve as acting Governor, the Senate
shall forthwith convene and fill the vacancy.
(f) When the Lieutenant Governor or a person elected by the
General Assembly succeeds to the office of Governor, he shall
have the title, powers, duties, and emoluments of that office; but
when the Lieutenant Governor or the president of the Senate
serves as acting Governor, he shall have only the powers and
duties of that office. When the President of the Senate serves as
acting Governor, he shall continue to be President of the Senate,
but his duties as president shall be performed by such other per-
son as the Senate shall select.
(g) The Court of Appeals shall have original and exclusive ju-
risdiction to adjudicate disputes or questions arising from the
failure of the Governor-elect to take office, or the service of the
Lieutenant Governor or President of the Senate as acting Gover-
nor, or the creation of a vacancy in the office of Governor or
Lieutenant Governor by reason of disability, or the succession to
the office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor, or the exercise
of the powers and duties of a successor to the office of Governor.
SEC. 7. The Legislature may provide by law, not inconsis-
tent with Section 26 of Article III of this Constitution, for the
impeachment of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor.
SEC. 7A. 33 Vacant.
SEC. 8. The Governor shall be the Commander-in-Chief of
the land and naval forces of the State; and may call out the Mili-
tia to repel invasions, suppress insurrections, and enforce the ex-
ecution of the Laws; but shall not take the command in person,
without the consent of the Legislature.
SEC. 9. He shall take care that the Laws are faithfully execut-
SEC. 10. He shall nominate, and, by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate, appoint all civil and military officers of
the State, whose appointment, or election, is not otherwise here-
in provided for, unless a different mode of appointment be pre-
scribed by the Law creating the office.
SEC. 11. In case of any vacancy, during the recess of the
Senate, in any office which the Governor has power to fill, he
shall appoint some suitable person to said office, whose commis-
sion shall continue in force until the end of the next session of
the Legislature, or until some other person is appointed to the
same office, whichever shall first occur; and the nomination of
the person thus appointed, during the recess, or, of some other
person in his place, shall be made to the Senate on the first day
of the next regular meeting of the Senate.
SEC. 12. No person, after being rejected by the Senate, shall
be again nominated for the same office at the same session, un-
less at the request of the Senate; or, be appointed to the same of-
fice during the recess of the Legislature.
Article II
SEC. 13. All civil officers nominated by the Governor and
subject to confirmation by the Senate, shall be nominated to the
Senate within forty days from the commencement of each regu-
lar session of the Legislature; and their term of office, except in
cases otherwise provided for in this Constitution, shall com-
mence on the first Monday of May next ensuing their appoint-
ment, and continue for two years, (unless removed from office),
and until their successors, respectively, qualify according to
SEC. 14. If a vacancy shall occur, during the session of the
Senate, in any office which the Governor and the Senate have
the power to fill, the Governor shall nominate to the Senate
before its final adjournment, a proper person to fill said vacancy,
unless such vacancy occurs within ten days before said final ad-
SEC. 15. The Governor may suspend or arrest any military
officer of the State for disobedience of orders, or other military
offense; and may remove him in pursuance of the sentence of a
Court-Martial; and may remove for incompetency, or miscon-
duct, all civil officers who received appointment from the Execu-
tive for a term of years.
SEC. 16. The Governor shall convene the Legislature, or the
Senate alone, on extraordinary occasions; and whenever from
the presence of an enemy, or from any other cause, the Seat of
Government shall become an unsafe place for the meeting of the
Legislature, he may direct their sessions to be held at some other
convenient place.
SEC. 17. To guard against hasty or partial legislation and
encroachment of the Legislative Department upon the co-ordi-
nate Executive and Judicial Departments, every Bill which shall
have passed the House of Delegates and the Senate shall, before
it becomes a law, be presented to the Governor of the State; if he
approves he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it with his ob-
jections to the House in which it originated, which House shall
enter the objections at large on its Journal and proceed to recon-
sider the Bill; if, after such reconsideration, three-fifths of the
members elected to that House shall pass the Bill, it shall be sent
with the objections to the other House, by which it shall likewise
be reconsidered, and if it pass by three-fifths of the members
elected to that House it shall become a law; but in all such cases
the votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and nays,
and the names of the persons voting for and against the Bill
shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If
any Bill presented to the Governor while the General Assembly
is in session shall not be returned by him with his objections
within six days (Sundays excepted), the same shall be a law in
like manner as if he signed it, unless the General Assembly shall,
by adjournment, prevent its return, in which case it shall not be
a law.
Any Bill presented to the Governor within six days (Sundays
excepted), prior to adjournment of any session of the General
Assembly, or after such adjournment, shall become law without
the Governor's signature unless it shall be vetoed by the Gover-
nor within 30 days after its presentment.
Any Bill so vetoed by the Governor shall be returned to the
House in which it originated, immediately after said House shall
have organized at the next regular or special session of the Gen-
eral Assembly, Said Bill may then be reconsidered according to
the procedure specified hereinabove. Any Bill enacted over the
veto of the Governor, or any Bill which shall become law as the