5 52/Maryland Manual
W. Roger Williams, 1986
Supervisor of Assessments
G. Thomas Williams
Board of Supervisors of Elections
Samuel Sessa, President; George A. Parsons,
Jr., John L. Wright. Substitutes: Franklin R.
Murry, Harry T. Williams. Terms expire
Public Safety
Emergency Management and Civil Defense
Robert B. Rust, Jr., Director
Central Communications Commission
Robert A. Moore, Chairperson
Deputy Medical Examiner
Robert W. Farr, M.D.
Dog Warden
Thomas Plummer
Health Department
John A. Grant, M.D., M.P.H., Health Offi-
cer; Edward Birkmire, Environmental Health
Mental Health and Addictions Advisory
Dr. Frank J. Creegan, Acting Chairperson
Board of Education
Leona Woodall, Chairperson, 1985; William
C. Loller, 1987; Catherine Starkey, 1987;
Raymond L. Walls, 1988; James A. Perkins,
Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Melvin A. Metzger
Chesapeake College Board of Trustees—Kent
County members
Eloise B. Johnson, 1988
Board of Library Trustees
Reade W. Corr, President. 1987; Henry G.
Gruber, 1985; G. Richard Walters, 1985;
Gail Fellows, 1986; Eva Baumann, 1988;
Alexander H. Hoon, 1988; Lois Wood, 1989.
Ann Briggs
Social Services
Social Services Board
Joan Gustafson, Chairperson, 1987; Edward
A. Carroll, Jr., 1985; Jane Neal, 1985; Joyce
Ann Phillips, 1985; Pat C. Atkinson, 1986;
Dickie Porter, 1986; H. Thomas Williams,
1986; Doris E. Brown, 1987; Mary Roe
Walkup, County Commissioner.
Director of Social Services
Lloyd Anderson
Kent-Queen Anne's Foster Care Review
Board—Kent County members
Rachel Sholz, Chairperson, 1986; William J.
Taylor, 1986; Hazel Saunders, alternate,
Children's Council
Carole Ann Hickman, Chairperson
Commission on the Aging
Elizabeth F. Bryden, 1986
Upper Shore Aging, Inc.
Patricia E. Clarke, Executive Director
Board of Parks and Recreation
Edwin Kuechler, Chairperson, 1984; John E.
Benjamin, 1985; Thomas D. dark, 1985;
Harry Pisapia, 1985; Joanne M. Alfree,
1986; Louis W. Wheat, 1984; Dan Loller,
1984; Raymond L. Walls, 1984; B. Stephen
Cooper, County Commissioner; A. Sue Black-
iston. Director.
Planning, Building, and Inspections
Planning Commission
Elizabeth Gulbrandsen, Chairperson, 1986;
Helen T. Durding, 1985; Olin S. Davis,
1987; J. Asbury Hunley, 1988; Dan Loller,
1989; Floyd W. Price, 1989; Mary Roe
Walkup, County Commissioner; Kristen Mark
Hughes, Planning Director.
Zoning Appeals Board
Samuel Sessa, Chairperson, 1985; Edward M.
Athey, 1986; W. Michael Newnam, 1984;
Louis T. Grahamer, Jr., alternate, 1986.
Economic Development Commission
T. Allan Stradley, Chairperson
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board
James A. Bigelow, Chairperson