Anne Arundel County, 1959-1963; counsel to the Board
of Education, Anne Arundel County, 1966. Charter
member and past president, Annapolis Jaycees; past
president, Suburban Annapolis Kiwanis Club; past
commander, Star of David Post 192, Jewish War Veter-
ans of the United States; past chief of staff, Department
of Maryland Jewish War Veterans of the United States.
Junior Chamber of Commerce Young Man of the Year
Award, 1955; Frontiers International Human Relations
Award, 1978; Governor's Citation for Outstanding Ser-
vices, 1978; Honorary Farmer Award from Future
Farmers of America, 1984. Married; 3 children.
THOMAS WARD. Eighth Judicial Circuit, 1982—.
Born in Baltimore, February 27, 1927. Graduated from
Valley Forge Military Academy; Georgetown School of
Foreign Service, B.S., 1950; University of Maryland
School of Law, J.D., 1953; four years. The Johns
Hopkins University Graduate School. Admitted to the
Maryland Bar, 1953. Served in the U.S. Army,
1945-1947, 1949, 1951, 1952; parachute infantry. Gradu-
ate of Infantry School and Airbourne and Glider School.
Reporter for Morning Sun, 1951-1954. Author of numer-
ous articles on conservation that have appeared in
newspapers and magazines throughout the U.S. Member,
Baltimore City Council, 1963-1967; Commission for
Historical and Architectural Preservation, 1966-1968;
Metropolitan Transit Authority, 1970-1972; Joint Legis-
lative Committee to determine the feasibility of a Depart-
ment of Transportation, 1968; Redistricting Commission,
City of Baltimore, 1967; Mayor's Committee to deter-
mine the feasibility of buying Maryland Transit Compa-
ny, 1966. Active in Baltimore City civic and political life
since 1953. Member, Maryland State Bar Association.
Married; 4 children.
ROBERT BERNARD WATTS. Eighth Judicial Circuit,
1968—. Born in Baltimore, March 4, 1922. Attended
Douglass High School; Morgan State College, B.S., 1943;
University of Maryland, LL.B., 1949. Served in the U.S.
Army. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1949. Member,
Baltimore City and Monumental City Bar Associations.
Assistant chief enforcement attorney, Office of Price
Administration, 1951; assistant police magistrate, 1956;
traffic court magistrate, 1957; judge, Municipal Court,
1961; Board of Trustees, State Colleges of Maryland,
1963-1971. Brotherhood Award, Exodus Lodge B'nai
B'rith, 1962; Board of Managers, YMCA, 1965; Distin-
guished Public Service, NAACP, 1962; National Confer-
ence of Christians and Jews Brotherhood Award, 1969;
Outstanding Alumni Award, Douglass High School,
1971; honorary Doctor of Law Degree, Morgan State
College, 1973; honorary Doctor of Humane Letters,
Towson State College, 1976. Prisoner's Aid Association;
Bon Secours Hospital; North Charles General Hospital;
Family and Children's Society; Boys' Town Homes;
Dismas House; National Conference of Christians and
Jews; Legal Aid Bureau; commissioner, War Memorial
Commission. Married; 5 children.
WILLIAM W. WENNER. Sixth Judicial Circuit,
1980—. Bom in Brunswick, Maryland, September 24,
1930. Attended Brunswick High School and St. James
School; Kenyon College, A.B., 1952; University of Mary-
land, LL.B., 1958. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1958.
Circuit Court Biographies/455
Served in the U.S. Army. Member, Maryland State and
Frederick County Bar Associations; American Judica-
ture Society. Fellow, Maryland Bar Foundation. Deputy
State's Attorney, Frederick County, 1960-1964. Judge,
District Court, District 11, 1978-1980. Married; 2 chil-
CYPERT 0. WHITFILL. Third Judicial Circuit,
1982—. Born in Floyd County, Texas, January 25, 1937.
Attended Floydada, Texas, public schools; Texas Tech,
1955-1957; St. Mary's College, 1957-1959; University of
Maryland School of Law, LL.B. with honors, 1965.
Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1965. Served three years
in U.S. Army; attended U.S. Army Language School.
Member, American, Maryland State, and Harford Coun-
ty Bar Associations; Susquehanna Law Club. Assistant
and City Attorney, Havre de Grace, 1965-1979. Mem-
ber, Harford County Charter Board, 1971; Criminal
Justice Coordinating Council, 1984. Chairman, Harford
County Police Needs Study Commission, 1973. Married;
6 children.
BRUCE C. WILLIAMS. Fifth Judicial Circuit, 1976—.
Born in Springfield, Massachusetts, February 11, 1931.
Attended Loomis School, Windsor, Connecticut; Prince-
ton University, A.B., 1952; University of Virginia Law
School, LL.B., 1958. Admitted to the Maryland Bar,
1958. Served in the U.S. Marine Corps. Member, Anne
Arundel County Bar Association. Judge, People's Court
of Anne Arundel County, 1964-1971; judge, District
Court, Seventh District, 1971-1976. Married; 4 children.
JAMES OWEN WISE. Second Judicial Circuit, 1982—.
Born in Easton, July 8, 1938. Attended Caroline High
School; Washington and Lee University, B.A., 1960;
University of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1965.
Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1965. Served in the U.S.
Army, 1961; U.S. Army Reserves, 1961-1969. Member,
American and Maryland State Bar Associations. State's
Attorney for Caroline County, 1970-1978; legal officer,
Potomac River Fisheries Commission, 1976-1982; Chair-
man, Caroline County Government Study Commission,
1981. President, Rotary Club of Denton, 1981-1982;
member, Temple Lodge 128, AF & AM; President,
Denton Volunteer Fire Company, 1970-1973; President,
Board of Trustees, Peninsula Conference, United Meth-
odist Church. Married; 2 children.
MARTIN A. WOLFF. Fifth Judicial Circuit, 1979—.
Born in Nashville, Tennessee, May 11, 1938. Attended
Baltimore City schools; University of Maryland, B.A.,
1961; University of Baltimore, LL.B., 1964. Admitted to
the Maryland Bar, 1964. Member, Anne Arundel County
Bar Association. Assistant state's attorney, Anne Arun-
del County, 1969-1971; deputy state's attorney, Anne
Arundel County, 1971-1977. Instructor, paralegal
course. University of Maryland, 1978—. Judge, District
Court, District 7, 1977-1979. Married; 1 child.
ROBERT J. WOODS. Seventh Judicial Circuit, 1976—.
Bom in Washington, D.C., February 16, 1933. Attended
Gonzaga High School, Washington, D.C.; Georgetown
University, B.S.S., 1956; Catholic University, J.D., 1962.
Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1963. Member, Mary-
land State and Prince George's County Bar Associations.