County Agencies
Airport Authority
William P. Griffin, Chairperson ...........
Alcoholic Beverages
Liquor Control Board
W. Francis Callahan, Chairperson ..... 1987
Mrs. Earl M. Clague .............. 1985
James L. Daffin ................. 1986
Tidewater Affairs
Oystermen's Tongers Advisory Committee
Richard A. Layman, Chairperson ..........
Robert C. Haddaway ..................
Robert R. Hambleton .................
Richard Lednum, Sr ..................
Earl Buddy Wharton ..................
Oystermen 's Dredgers Advisory Committee
Wade Murphy, Chairperson .............
Extension and Soil Conservation Services
Extension Agents
Jean A. Greene, Chairperson .............
Barbara E. Jeffries ....................
Donald E. Osbum ....................
K. Marc Teffeau .....................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Donald Bridges (County appointee). Chair-
person ............................
Norman J. Pike, Vice-Chairperson ..... 1986
Eugene S. Schwaninger, Treasurer ..... 1984
William E. Sharp, Jr .............. 1983
William Beaven .................. 1985
Donald E. Osbum, Extension Agent, Secretary
(non-voting) ........................
Richard L. Shockey, District Conservationist . .
County Seat: Hagerstown 21740
Origin: The county was created from Frederick
County by resolve of the Constitutional Con-
vention of 1776.
Name' ^am<>r* ^r flonrop Wachinotnn
Washington County/579
Form of Government: County Commissioners
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws
of Washington County (1970) with supplements.
Area: 467.07 sq. miles (454.97 land, 12.10 water)
Population 1900: 45,133
1950: 78,886
1960: 91,219
1970: 103,829
1980: 113,086
Dist. I, Sharpsburg ............... 2,313
Dist. 2, Williamsport .............. 4,718
Dist. 3, Hagerstown .............. 9,250
Dist. 4, Clear Spring .............. 2,368
Dist. 5, Hancock ................. 3,609
Dist. 6, Boonsboro ............... 3,927
Dist. 7, Smithsburg ............... 4,413
Dist. 8, Rohrersville .............. 1,901
Dist. 9, Leitersburg ............... 3,070
Dist. 10, Funkstown .............. 7,801
Dist. 11, Sandy Hook ............. 1,550
Dist. 12, Fairplay ................ 3,089
Dist. 13, Maugansville ............. 5,030
Dist. 14, Ringgold ................ 4,155
Dist. 15, Indian Spring ............ 1,694
Dist. 16, Beaver Creek ............. 2,725
Dist. 17, Hagerstown .............. 6,009
Dist. 18, Chewsville ............... 5,532
Dist. 19, Keedysville .............. 1,216
Dist. 20, Downsville .............. 1,555
Dist. 21, Hagerstown .............. 5,456
Dist. 22, Hagerstown .............. 5,048
Dist. 23, Wilsons ................ 2,863
Dist. 24, Cedar Lawn .............. 867
Dist. 25, Hagerstown .............. 8,369
Dist. 26, Halfway ................ 9,489
Dist. 27, Fountain Head ............ 5,069
Principal Incorporated Places (1980 census): Ha-
gerstown (34,132), Boonsboro (1,908), Hancock
(1,887), Williamsport (1,867)
Principal Unincorporated Places (1980 census):
Halfway (8,639), Bridgeport (3,626), Cascade-
Highfield (3,050)
Voter Registration, 1982
Democrat: .................... 27,757
Republican: ................... 18,761
Other: .......................... 35
Decline: ....................... 2,572
Total: ...................... 49,125
Per Capita Income (1980): $7,706
State Forests: Green Ridge (31,347 acres)
State Parks: Fort Frederick (561 acres). Fort
Tonoloway (26 acres), Gathland (135 acres),
Greenbrier (1,274), Washington Monument
(126 acres)