576/Maryland Manual
Zoning Inspector
James Windsor ......................
Board of Zoning Appeals
Robert A. Pinto, Jr., Chairperson ...... 1983
William Overholt ................ 1983
Horace Webster ................. 1984
Clarence Wilson, alternate .......... 1983
James B. Williams, alternate ......... 1984
Community Development
Ron Atkins, Director ..................
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board
Vacancy, Chairperson ..................
Historic District Commission
John Jeffries, Chairperson
Sanitary Commission
Robert C. Street, Sr., Chairperson ..... 1985
Charles L. Landon, Jr., Secretary ...... 1987
Mahlon D. Price ................. 1982
Mabel Bozman .................. 1987
Betty Ray Tyier ................. 1987
Roads Board
Board of County Commissioners, ex officio . . .
William Daugherty, Clerk ...............
Roads Engineer70
Robert Maddox .....................
Airport Commission
Harold Sauter, Chairperson ..............
Alcoholic Beverages
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
Kermit Maddox ................. 1983
Ross J. Mclntyre ................ 1983
Mary Ann Ward ................. 1983
Liquor Control Board
0. Melvin Bozman ............... 1983
Carl L. Outten .................. 1983
Marvin H. Tawes, Sr .............. 1983
Tidewater Affairs
Oystermen's Tongers Advisory Committee
Roland H. Evans, Chairperson ...........
Edgar Brimer .......................
Eddie Evans ........................
David Lee Laird .....................
Johnnie C. Marshall ..................
Oystermen 's Dredgers Advisory Committee
Jessie Thomas, Chairperson .............
70 Chapter 616, Acts of 1959.
Extension and Soil Conservation Services
Extension Agents
June W. Rhodes, Chairperson ............
Geraldine W. Hammond ...............
Joseph W. Trumbauer .................
two vacancies .......................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Frederick W. Nelson, Chairperson ...... 1986
William Ralph Smith, Vice-Chairperson . .1984
Cecil Schrock (County appointee). Treasurer .
William Cottman ................. 1987
Willard L. Smith, Sr ............... 1985
Joseph W. Trumbauer, Extension Agent, Secre-
tary (non-voting) .....................
Richard W. Hardy, District Conservationist . . .
County Seat: Easton 21601
Origin: The form of the creation of this county is
not known, but was probably by virtue of an
order of the Governor in Council. It was in ex-
istence by February 18, 1661/62, when a writ
was issued to the sheriff.
Name: Named after Grace Talbot, sister of
Cecilius Calvert, Second Lord Baltimore.
Form of Government: Charter (1973)
County Code: See Charter and Code of Public Lo-
cal Laws of Talbot County, Maryland (1977)
with supplements.
Area: 326.32 sq. miles (258.62 land, 67.70 water)
Population 1900: 30,342
1950: 19,428
1960: 21,578
1970: 23,682
1980: 25,604
Dist. I, Easton ................. 12,166
Dist. 2, St. Michaels .............. 4,654
Dist. 3, Trappe ................. 3,510
Dist. 4, Chapel ................. 3,347
Dist. 5, Bay Hundred ............. 1,927