County Agencies
Commission on the Aging64
David Hammett, Chairperson ............
Agnes McGaharn, Senior Services Coordinator .
Commission/or Women ..................
Dorothy Barclift, Chairperson ............
Community Action Committee
Thelma M. Adams, President ............
Community Action Agency
Dana Jones, Director ..................
Board of Recreation and Parks
Leslie Vandivere, Chairperson ............
Director of Recreation and Parks
John V. Baggett .....................
Housing Authority
Michael Glaser, Chairperson .............
Joseph Mitchell, Coordinator .............
Planning, Building, and Inspections
Planning Commission
Joseph M. Gough, Chairperson ....... 1984
Ford L. Dean, County Commissioner .......
Keith Fairfax ................... 1984
Alfred Mattingly ................. 1985
John Bohanan,Sr. ................ 1987
William Guy ................... 1987
Hope Swann .................... 1987
Office of Planning and Zoning
Frank Gerred, Director .................
Board of Zoning Appeals
James C. Raley, Chairperson .............
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board
James R. Owens, Chairperson ............
District Forestry Board
Frederick McCoy ....................
Metropolitan Commission65
Francis Taylor, Chairperson .............
Larry Petty, Director ..................
Economic Development Commission**
Arthur "Buck" Briscoe, Director ..........
Economic Development Coordinator
David W. Morgan ....................
Department a/Inspection and Permits
James Weber, Chief ...................
Plumbing Board
A. Vernon Saunders, Chairperson .........
64 Chapter 815, Acts of 1974.
65 Chapter 816, Acts of 1957; Chapter 911, Acts of 1976.
" Chapter 533, Acts of 1957.
Somerset County/573
Electrical Board67
Kirk Sterling, Chairperson ..............
Electrical Inspector
George Wiggins .....................
County Engineer
John B. Morris, Jr ....................
Road Supervisor/Engineer
John D. Raley, Jr ....................
Airport Commission^
Austin White, Chairperson ..............
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcoholic Beverages Board
J. Frank Wilkinson, Chairperson ...... 1983
Gaylord P. Aschenbeck ............ 1983
Mary Virginia Sapp ............... 1983
Tidewater Affairs
Oystermen's Tongers Advisory Committee
Daniel L. Burch Jr ...................
Eddie Davis ........................
Harry Huseman .....................
James Ernest Woodall .................
Extension and Soil Conservation Services
Extension Agents
Florence B. Lanham, Chairperson .........
Frances Jones, Program Assistant ..........
David L. Chapman ...................
Daniel J. Donnelly ...................
B. Marie Gardiner ....................
Edward L.Swecker ...................
Patricia S. White .....................
one vacancy ........................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
James B. Beaven, Chairperson ........ 1987
Robert A. Stevens, Vice-Chairperson . . . 1986
James H. Woodburn, Treasurer ....... 1985
John Sivak (County appointee) ...........
A. E. Vernon Saunders ............ 1984
Daniel J. Donnelly, Extension Agent, Secretary
(non-voting) ........................
John W. Hall IV, District Conservationist ....
Timothy Frink, District Manager ..........
County Seat: Princess Anne 21853
Origin: Created by an Order in Council in 1666.
Name: Named after Mary Somerset, sister-in-law
of Cecilius Calvert, Second Lord Baltimore.
67 Chapter 304, Acts of 1972.
68 Chapter 154, Acts of 1972.