County Agencies
Montgomery College Board of Trustees
Dr. Michael J. Lenaghan, Chairperson . . 1985
Yolande W. Ford ................ 1983
Colin M. Porter ................. 1983
Jerry B. Duvall .................. 1984
Robert C. Maddox ............... 1986
Michael L. Subin ................ 1987
Maureen E. Sullivan .............. 1987
Colin M. Porter, student member ...... 1983
Department of Public Libraries
Agnes M. Griffen, Director ..............
Library Board
Barbara Halperin, Chairperson ...........
Department of Community Use of Educational Fa-
Dr. Gail Ayers, Director ................
Social Services
Department of Family Resources
Harvey McConnell, Director .............
Social Services Board
Jeanne E. Mahoney, Chairperson ..........
Vacancy, County Council ...............
Joan E. Adier .......................
Dr. Jerome A. Contee .................
Frances E. Manderscheid ...............
Virginia R. Nuta .....................
Florence Perman .....................
Dr. Jerry S. Turem ...................
Department of Social Services
Harriet Herrmann, Director .............
Disabled Persons Review Board
Dr. Eveline Schulman, Chairperson ........
Commission on Children and Youth
Joan Wilson, Chairperson ...............
Foster Care Review Board
Janet E. Friedman ................ 1984
Nancy S. Scull .................. 1984
Dr. Charles H. Flatter ............. 1986
Frances P. Simsarian .............. 1986
Othello G. Jones, Jr., alternate ... ... 1986
Daniel R. Smith, alternate .......... 1986
Commission on Aging
Katheryn D. Mitchell, Chairperson ........
Pauline Ott Price, Executive Secretary .......
Commission for Women
Marjorie Rosensweig, President ...........
Judith Vaughan-Prather, Executive Director . . .
Human Relations Commission
James Mihalik, Chairperson .............
Alan T. Dean, Executive Secretary .........
Montgomery County/561
Community Action Agency
James Fanner, Director ................
Community Action Board of Trustees
Carolyn Snowden, Chairperson ...........
Recreation Board
Harry Packard, Chairperson .............
Department of Recreation and Parks
David Robbins, Director ...............
Office of Landlord-Tenant Affairs
Richard J. Ferrara, Director .............
Office of Public Tax Advocate
Frank Ecker, Director .................
Office of Consumer Affairs
Barbara B. Gregg, Executive Director ......
Planning and Building
Department of Environmental Protection
James S. Baker, Director ...............
Division of Construction Codes Enforcement
James M. Hicks, Jr., Chief ............
Division of Pollution Control
William E. Bell, Chief ...............
Division of Solid Waste Management
Alan R. Bergsten, Chief ..............
Office of Environmental Construction
Jerry Leszkiewicz, Director ............
Office of Environmental and Energy Planning
David Sobers, Director ...............
Department of Facilities and Services
Thomas S. Abraham, Director ...........
Montgomery County Planning Board53
Norman L. Christeller, Chairperson ..... 1985
Judith B. Heimann ................ 1983
Betty Ann Krahnke ............... 1983
Robert E. Brennan ................ 1984
Mable Granke ................... 1986
Richard E. Tustian, Planning Director ......
Board of Appeals
Joseph O'Brien, Chairperson .......... 1983
Doris Lipschitz, Vice-Chairperson ...... 1984
Rita Morgan .................... 1983
two vacancies .......................
Zoning Hearing Examiners
Martin Klauber .....................
Philip Tiemey ......................
53 Composed of the Montgomery County members of the Mary-
land-National Capital Park and Planning Commission.