548/Maryland Manual
William E. Naylor ................ 1986
Brenda Butscher ................. 1988
Extension and Soil Conservation Services
Extension Agents
James W. Simms, Chairperson ............
Alice Hevner .......................
Lawrence F. Little ....................
Jane G. Rentschler ...................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
George Bishoff, Chairperson ......... 1984
Harry W. Hummel, Vice-Chairperson . . . 1985
Claude Wagner, Jr., Treasurer ........ 1983
Walter Margroff ................. 1986
Harley Brenneman (County appointee) ......
James W. Simms, Extension Agent, Secretary
(non-voting) ........................
Marvin Kolb, Junior Supervisor ...........
John T. Reckner, Jr., District Conservationist . .
Shaun Sanders, District Manager ..........
County Seat: Bel Air 21014
Origin: Erected from Baltimore County by Chap-
ter 6, Acts of 1773.
Name: Named for Henry Harford, last Propri-
etary of Maryland. He was a son of Frederick
Calvert, Sixth Lord Baltimore, but because of
his illegitimate birth did not inherit the title.
Form of Government: Charter (1972)
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws
of Harford County (1978).
Area: 464.14 sq. miles (447.64 land, 16.50 water)
Population 1900: 28,269
1950: 51,782
1960: 76,722
1970: 115,378
1980: 145,930
Dist. I, Abingdon ............... 42,013
Dist. 2, Halls Cross Roads ......... 25,562
Dist. 3, Bel Air ................. 41,971
Dist. 4, Marshall ................ 15,277
Dist. 5, Dublin ................. 10,558
Dist. 6, Havre de Grace ........... 10,549
Principal Incorporated Places (1980 census): Ab-
erdeen (11,533), Bel Air (7,814), Havre de
Grace (8,763)
Principal Unincorporated Places (1980 census):
Edgewood (19,435), Joppatowne (11,348), Bel
Air South (8,461)
Voter Registration, 1982
Democrat: .................... 45,614
Republican: ................... 17,784
Other: .......................... 42
Decline: ....................... 4,230
Total: ...................... 67,670
Per Capita Income (1980): $7,930
State Parks: Gunpowder Falls (11,470 acres),
Palmer (463 acres). Rocks (Deer Creek) (841
acres), Susquehanna (2,537 acres)
Colleges/Universities: Harford Community Col-
lege, Bel Air; Eastern Christian College, Bel
Museums/Historical Societies: Historical Society
of Harford County, Inc., P. 0. Box 391, Bel
Air 21014; U. S. Army Ordinance Museum,
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen 21005;
Steppingstone Museum Association, Rt. 1, Box
94A, Street 21154
Circuit Court
Main Street
Bel Air 21014 Telephone: 838-6000
District Court
220 S. Main St.
Bel Air 21014 Telephone: 838-2300
Court Terms:
Circuit Court—Grand Jury and Petit Jury, sec-
ond Monday in January, April, and September.
Orphans' Court—abolished; probate matters now
under jurisdiction of Circuit Court.
Circuit Court Resident Judges
Albert P. Close, Administrative Judge ... 1983
Cypert 0. Whitfill ................ 1984
Edward D. Higinbothom ........... 1991
Brodnax Cameron, Jr. ............. 1993
Circuit Court Clerk
H. Douglas Chilcoat .............. 1986