County Agencies
Retirement Systems of the City of Baltimore
Hyman A. Pressman, Comptroller, Chairperson
of the Board of Trustees, ex officio .........
M. L. Leslie, Administrator ..............
Extension Service
Extension Agents
Stephanie D. Brown, City Extension Director . .
Gwendolyn Bell .....................
John T. Carrington ...................
Gary F. Creighton ....................
Cheryl H. Jones .....................
Jacquelyn E. Keller ...................
Pamela B. King .....................
Ellen N. Varley ......................
Peggy Altman, 4-H Program Coordinator ....
Miscellaneous Boards, Commissions, and Institu-
Baltimore Convention Center Complex
John B. Zerbe, Director ................
Bureau of Kosher Meat and Food Control
Vacancy, Chairperson ..................
Architectural Commission
William D. Schaefer, Mayor, Director, ex officio
Cormac M. Lannon, Executive Secretary .....
Leon Bridges ................... 1983
F. Barton Harvey, Jr. ............. 1983
Samuel L. Silber ................. 1983
Civic Design Commission
Hoult Verkerke, Chairperson ......... 1985
Commission for Historical and Architectural Pres-
Patricia Henshall, Chairperson ............
Kathleen G. Kotarba, Director ...........
Mayor's Advisory Committee on Small Business10
Vacancy, Chairperson ..................
Herman Katkow, Director ..............
Financial Disclosure Advisory Board
Allan H. Fisher, Jr., Chairperson ..........
Wage Commission
Robert 0. Bonnell, Jr., Chairperson ........
Jesse J. Hinson, Jr., Director .............
Art Commission
William D. Schaefer, Mayor, Chairperson, ex of-
ficio .............................
Vickie Porter, Executive Secretary .........
Vernon Wiesand, Chairperson ............
Baltimore Museum of Art
Robert M. Thomas, President, Board of
Trustees ...........................
'° Established by Executive Order in June 1960, the Committee
consists of 8 members. The Director is appointed by the Mayor.
Baltimore County/515
Arnold Lehman, Director ...............
Ann Boyce Harper, Assistant Director for Ad-
ministration ........................
Brenda Richardson, Assistant Director/or Art .
Municipal Museum of the City of Baltimore (Peale
H. Chace Davis, Jr., President, Board of
Trustees ...........................
Dennis K. McDaniel, Executive Director .....
Walters Art Gallery
Jay M. Wilson, President, Board of Trustees . .
Francis D. Murnaghan, Jr., Chairperson, Board
of Trustees .........................
Robert P. Bergman, Director .............
City of Baltimore Fire Museum
Vacancy, President, Board of Trustees .......
Tony Wayte Kunas, Curator .............
Enoch Pratt Free Library
James A. Gary III, President, Board of Trustees
Anna Curry, Director ..................
National Aquarium in Baltimore
Frank Gunther, Jr., Chairperson, Board of
Trustees ...........................
Peter Pelham, Director .................
Baltimore City Zoo
Stuart S. Janney III, President, Board of
Trustees of the Baltimore Zoological Society . . .
Brian A. Rutledge, Director .............
County Seat: Towson 21204
Origin: The legal origin of Baltimore County is
not known, but it was in existence by January
12, 1659/60 when a writ was issued to the
sheriff of the county.
Name: The name of this county like that of
Baltimore City, derives from the Proprietary's
Irish Barony.
Form of Government: Charter (1956)
County Code: See Baltimore County Code (1978)
with supplements.