County Agencies
Maryland Potomac Water Authority
Arthur T. Bond .....................
Vacancy alternate ....................
Upper Potomac River Commission
Vacancy, Allegany County member .........
Director of Public Works
A. Gerald Arthur ....................
County Engineer
W, Stephen Young ...................
Roads Board
Board of County Commissioners, er officio . . .
Roads Engineer
John C. Weissenmiliek .................
Water Commission6
Ronald K. Snyder, Administrative Engineer . . .
Samuel W. Buffone ............... 1983
Fred Q. Clapper ................. 1983
John Difonzo ................... 1983
Frederick Imhoff ................. 1983
Esther O'Rourke ................. 1983
Carl Pressman .................. 1983
Louise Wiseman ................. 1983
John F. Workmeister, Jr. ........... 1983
Charles R. Baker ................ 1984
John Roland ................... 1984
John L. Feldmann ................ 1985
William Mayles, Jr. ............... 1985
Transit Authority
John Rowan, Chairperson ...............
Potomac Highlands Airport Authority7
Daniel F. McMullen III, Chairperson .......
Alcoholic Beverages
Board of Alcoholic Beverages License
Frederick J. Hill ................. 1983
Allen P. Shaw .................. 1985
Howard Taylor .................. 1987
Extension and Soil Conservation Services
Extension Agents
Charles Babich, Jr., Chairperson ..........
Sharon R. Diehl .....................
Patricia A. Driscoll ...................
Irmagard Koscielniak .................
Charles J. D. McVeigh, Jr. ..............
Jane R. Wagner .....................
-So(7 Conservation District Supervisors
Wilbert R. Paul, Chairperson ........ 1985
«Chapter 507, Acts of 1971.
7 Chapter 253, Acts of 1976; Governor's proclamation of June
25, 1976.
Anne Arundel County/503
Gary L. Teter, Vice-Chairperson ...... 1986
Lee Heavner, Treasurer ............ 1983
Granville Shumaker ............... 1984
Donald A. Emerson (County appointee) .....
Charles J. D. McVeigh, Jr., Extension Agent.
Secretary (non-voting) ..................
Ronald D. Hawk, District Conservationist ....
Craig Hartsock, District Manager ..........
County Seat: Annapolis 21404
Origin: Created by Chapter 8, Acts of 1650
(April Session).
Name: The county was named for the Lady Anne
Arundel, wife of Cecilius, Second Lord
Baltimore and founder of the Colony of Mary-
Form of Government: Charter (1964)
County Code: See The Code of Anne Arundel
County, Maryland (1967) with supplements.
Area: 453.61 sq. miles (418.37 land; 35.24 water)
Population 1900: 39,620
1950: 122,361
1960: 206,634
1970: 298,042
1980: 370,775
1980 Population by Assessment District:
Dist. 1 ....................... 20,420
Dist. 2 ....................... 39,430
Dist. 3 ...................... 130,533
Dist. 4 ....................... 72,432
Dist. 5 ....................... 57,527
Dist. 6 ....................... 37,107
Dist. 7 ....................... .6,181
Dist. 8 ....................... .7,145
Principal Incorporated Places (1980 census): An-
napolis (31,740), Highland Beach (8)
Principal Unincorporated Places (1980 census):
Glen Burnie (37,263), South Gate (24,185),
Severaa Park (21,253), Severn (20,147)