State Agencies
On October 1, 1968, Bridge and Tunnel Reve-
nue Bonds were issued to provide funds for the
construction costs of a parallel bridge across the
Chesapeake Bay, a crossing of the Patapsco River
(Baltimore Outer Harbor) from Hawkins Point to
Sparrows Point, and a connection between U.S.
Route 1 and Interstate Route 95 near Elkridge.
On June 28, 1973, the parallel Bay Bridge was
opened to traffic. The existing toll plaza was wid-
ened from six to ten lanes (later expanded to
fourteen) and the administration building and
maintenance facilities were enlarged.
The Susquehanna River Toll Bridge spans the
Susquehanna River from a point near Perryville,
Cecil County, to a point near Havre de Grace,
Harford County. It is 7,613 feet long (1.4 miles)
and was opened to traffic on August 28, 1940.
The Governor Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge
across the Potomac River in Charles County was
opened to traffic in December of 1940. It is on
U.S. 301 between Maryland and Virginia. Origi-
nally named the Potomac River Toll Bridge, the
1.7 mile structure was renamed the Governor
Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge in 1967 by the
State Roads Commission.
The Baltimore Harbor Tunnel and its eighteen-
mile thruway opened to traffic on November 30,
1957. It provides a major north-south bypass of
Baltimore City, and is designated 1-895.
The John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway (for-
merly Northeastern Expressway) was constructed
with revenue bond proceeds authorized by Chap-
ter 1, Acts of the Special Session of 1956 (Code
1957, Article 89B, secs. 141-162A). This toll
road, a part of Interstate Route 95, was opened
to traffic on November 14, 1963. Its forty-two
miles extend from the Delaware State line to
White Marsh Boulevard, north of Baltimore.
Combined with the New Jersey Turnpike, the
Delaware Memorial Bridge, the Delaware Turn-
pike, and the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, this
highway is an integral segment of the major
north-south traffic corridor along the East Coast.
Administrative offices of the John F. Kennedy
Memorial Highway are located at the Perryville
Plaza Barrier, where tolls for through traffic are
The State's four toll bridges, tunnel, and toll
road are financed, constructed, operated, and
maintained solely through the tolls charged to
users. These facilities do not rely on any State or
local tax revenues for support (Code Transporta-
tion Article, secs. 4-101 through 4-404).
Current traffic and roadway condition reports
for all State toll facilities may be obtained by
Transportation/ 311
calling 355-2080 or 2081 in the Baltimore Metro-
politan area. Information on Toll Facilities Ad-
ministration operations is available through the
Agency's Public Affairs office, telephone
288-6400 ext. 204.
David A. Wagner, Administrator
Ronald J. Hartman, Deputy Administrator
April M. dark. Director of Public Relations
Edwin M. Kahoe, Resident Manager
R. Keith Rawlinson, Director of Customer Ser-
Robert J. Murray, Director
Louis R. Rainone, Director
Karl J. Osterman, Director
109 E. Redwood Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3434
The Mass Transit Administration was created
as part of the Department of Transportation by
Chapter 526, Acts of 1970, as amended by Chap-
ter 253, Acts of 1971. As the public transit arm
of the Department, the Administration operates
and maintains the public bus system and is re-
sponsible for the development and implementa-
tion of the Baltimore Metro. These operational
and developmental activities are conducted within
the Mass Transit Administration's metropolitan
service area, which encompasses Anne Arundel
County, Baltimore City, and Baltimore County.
In addition, the agency administers a program to
provide technical and financial assistance for the
development or improvement of public transpor-
tation programs in small urban areas throughout
the State.
Prior to its incorporation into the Department
of Transportation in July of 1971, the Mass Tran-
sit Administration functioned as the Metropolitan