State Agencies
is reasonable for the quality, location, amenities,
and management services of the building.
The Regional Planning Council (RPC) admin-
isters the Section 8 Existing Program in Anne
Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, and
Howard Counties, Annapolis and Baltimore City.
The Moderate Rehabilitation Program is a new
program designed to help improve existing multi-
family rental units that need repair or renovation.
It is part of the Section 8 Existing Program. Un-
der the Moderate Rehabilitation Program, the
private landlord rehabilitates the unit—often
with Community Development Administration fi-
nancing—and then CDA, on behalf of the ten-
ant, commits rent subsidies to the unit for a peri-
od of fifteen years. These rent subsidies are
funded by the federal government.
John B. Moore, Jr., Director
Jack Ladd Carr, Cultural Administrator
Marion J. McCoy, Executive Director, Maryland
Industrial and Commercial Redevelopment Fund
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2150
In July 1976 the Division of Local and Region-
al Development was established to provide more
effective management and coordination of the De-
partment's assistance to local governments and
regional organizations in their efforts to develop
and implement economic development, housing,
and historical-cultural programs. In cooperation
with local officials, the Division also provides
training and management systems assistance
aimed at strengthening the management capacity
of local units of government.
When providing assistance, the Division places
primary emphasis on those local or regional pro-
grams for which the Department can deliver spe-
cific resources and/or programs for which the
Department can obtain or coordinate use of relat-
ed State and federal resources.
The Division helps local and regional officials
identify development problems or issues, assess
alternative courses of action, design specific ac-
tion programs, and obtain Department, other
state and federal resources useful in implementing
development programs.
As a clearinghouse for Departmental services to
sub-state units of government, the Division coor-
Economic and Community Development/II 73
dinates State and local involvement with a num-
ber of federal programs related to economic devel-
opment, housing, and historical-cultural matters.
The Division's Office of Development Assis-
tance administers Maryland's Appalachian Re-
gional Commission (ARC) development program
and grant process. The Office ensures full use of
available ARC resources designed to stimulate
economic and community development projects
and activities in Western Maryland.
To facilitate liaison with the three western
counties of the State, the Division maintains the
Department's Western Maryland Regional Devel-
opment Office in Hagerstown.
The Division undertakes responsibilities for the
Department as the designated State agency for
the coordination of Economic Development Ad-
ministration (EDA) programs in Maryland
through assistance aimed at implementation of an
Economic Development Planning Program. It co-
ordinates the submission of development projects
for funding by EDA.
The Division also carries out responsibilities for
the Department as the Governor's designated
State liaison agency with the U. S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development for implemen-
tation of the Federal Community Development
Block Grant Program and the Urban Develop-
ment Action Grant program in Maryland. Direct
technical assistance is provided to local govern-
ments and regional organizations to help them
develop plans and applications for these pro-
grams. In addition, the Division assists local gov-
ernments in obtaining Departmental housing-re-
lated resources to complement local programs
using Federal Block Grant funds.
The Division serves as the Department's liaison
with the U. S. Department of Agriculture rural
housing and development programs, which pro-
vide resources relevant to Maryland's local and
regional development activities.
The Maryland Industrial and Commercial Re-
development Fund (MICRF) became operational
in July 1980. It is responsible for the administra-
tion of state grants and loans to local governments
in support of their business redevelopment efforts.
The Office of Cultural Administration serves as
the Department's policy and administrative link
with six independent commissions that deal with
history, culture, and the arts.
The Office of Training and Management Assis-
tance administers training programs for local gov-