WILLIAM H. COX, JR., Democrat, District 6. Born in Edgewood, July 15, 1942.
Attended Harford County public schools; University of Baltimore; La Salle Universi-
ty. Real estate broker. Member, Tax Appeals Court of Harford County, 1968- 1970.
Governor's Commission to Hire the Handicapped. Harford County Educational
Foundation. Past president, Young Democrats of Harford Comity, 1969-1970.
Member, Harford County Board of Realtors; Maryland Real Estate Board Member
and first State director, Bel Air Jaycees. Received Outstanding Young Man Award,
1969. Member, Elks; Moose; American Legion. Chairman, 1970-1971 Heart Fund
Drive. Former member, board of directors, Children's Fresh Air Society of Mary-
land; board of directors, Fallston General Hospital. Chairman, United Appeal Drive,
Harford County, 1968. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1971.
Deputy Majority Whip, 1977—. Co-chairman, Mass Transit Oversight Committee.
Member, Ways and Means Committee; Federal Pre-emption Committee, Southern
Legislative Conference. District office: 141 North Main St., Bel Air 21014; tel.
879-9173. Annapolis office: 326 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3289.
THOMAS B. CUMISKEY, Democrat, District IB. Born in Cumberland, November
7, 1916. Attended Cumberland parochial schools. Retired postal employee. Served in
the U.S. Army Reserve, 1949-1969. Member and chairman, Cumberland Citizens
Advisory Committee, 1968-1970- Member, Cumberland Civil Service Commission,
1973-1974. Member, National Association of Retired Federal Employees; Maryland
Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation; Rural Development Committee,
State-Federal Assembly, NCSL; chairman, Maryland Legislative Study Group.
Member, Catholic War Veterans; Knights of Columbus. Married. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1975. District office: 219 Schley St., Cumberland 21502;
tel. 724-2909. Annapolis office; 429 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3462.
GERALD J. CURRAN, Democrat, District 44. Born in Baltimore, March 20, 1939.
Attended Baltimore parochial schools; Calvert Hall College High School; University
of Baltimore; University of Baltimore Law School, LL.B., 1963. Owner of Mayer
and Curran Insurance Agency; life insurance agent. Vice-chairman, Commission to
Study Non-public Special Education. Member, United Third District Democratic
Organization; Baltimore Life Underwriters; Lauraville Improvement Association;
Knights of Columbus; Ancient Order of Hibernians; Friendly Sons of St. Patrick.
Former member. Mayor's Task Force on Education; Maryland Task Force on Wel-
fare Reform; Archdiocesan Commission on the Aging. Attends St. Francis of Assist
Church. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1967. Vice-chairman,
Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee; member. Joint Legislative Com-
mittee on Metropolitan Mass Transit. District office; 25 W. Fayette St., Baltimore
21201; tel. 332-8127 or 8180. Annapolis office: 141 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel.
WALTER R. DEAN, JR., Democrat, District 41. Born in Baltimore, December 12,
1934. Attended Baltimore public schools; Morgan State College, B.A., 1962; Univer-
sity of Maryland School of Social Work, M.S.W., 1968. Educator. Served with U.S.
Air Force. Former member, Maryland Commission on Negro History and Culture.
Unmarried. Member of the House of Delegates since 1971. District office: P. 0. Box
11937, Baltimore 21207. Annapolis office: 319 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3283.