Sec. X-XV
the said province with fitting Vessels, and suitable pro-
visions, and therein to settle, dwell, and inhabit; and to
build and fortify Castles, Forts, and other Places of
Strength, at the Appointment of the aforesaid now Bar-
on of BALTIMORE, and his Heirs, for the Public and
their own Defense; the Statute of Fugitives, or any oth-
er whatsoever to the contrary of the Premisses in any
wise notwithstanding.
X. we will also, out of our more abundant Grace, for
US, our Heirs and Successors, do firmly charge, consti-
tute, ordain, and commend, that the said province be
of our Allegiance; and that all and singular the Subjects
and Liege-men of US, our Heirs and Successors,
transplanted, or hereafter to be transplanted into the
province aforesaid, and the children of lliein, and of
others their Descendants, whether already bom there,
or hereafter to be bom, be and shall be natives and
Liege-Men of US, our Heirs and Successors, of our
Kingdom of England and Ireland; and in all Things
shall be held, treated, reputed, and esteemed as the
faithful Liege-Men of US, and our Heirs and Succes-
sors, born within our Kingdom of England; also Lands,
Tenements, Revenues, Services, and other Heredita-
ments whatsoever, within our Kingdom of England, and
other our Dominions, to inherit, or otherwise purchase,
receive, take, have, hold, buy, and possess, and the
same to use and enjoy, and the same to give, sell, alien
and bequeath; and likewise all Privileges, Franchises
and Liberties of this our Kingdom of England, freely,
quietly, and peaceably to have and possess, and the
same may use and enjoy in the same Manner as our
Liege-Men bom, or to be bom within our same King-
dom of England, without Impediment, Molestation,
Vexation, Impeachment, or Grievance of US, or any of
our Heirs or Successors; any Statute, Act, Ordinance, or
Provisions to the contrary thereof, notwithstanding.
XI. furthermore, That our Subjects may be incited to
undertake this Expedition with a ready and chearful
Mind: KNOW YE, that WE, of our especial Grace, cer-
tain Knowledge, and mere Motion, do, by the Tenor of
these Presents, give and grant, as well to the aforesaid
Baron of BALTIMORE, and to his Heirs, as to all oth-
er Persons who shall from Time to Time repair to the
said Province, either for the sake of Inhabiting, or of
Trading with the Inhabitants of the Province aforesaid,
full License to Ship and Lade in any the Ports of US,
our Heirs and Successors, all and singular their Goods,
as well moveable as immoveable, Wares and Merchan-
dise, likewise Grain of what Sort soever, and other
Things whatsoever necessary for Food and Clothing, by
the Laws and Statutes of our Kingdoms and Domin-
ions, not prohibited to be transported out of the said
Kingdoms; and the same to transport, by themselves, or
their Servants or Assigns, into the said province, with-
out the Impediment or Molestation of US, our Heirs or
Successors, or of any officers of US, our Heirs or Suc-
cessors, (saving unto Us, our Heirs and Successors, the
Impositions, Subsidies, Customs, and other Dues pay-
able for the same Goods and Merchandizes) any Stat-
ute, Act, Ordinance, or other Thing whatsoever to the
contrary notwithstanding.
XII. but because, that in so remote a Region, placed
among so many barbarous Nations, the Incursions as
well of the Barbarians themselves, as of other Enemies,
Maryland Manual/657
Pirates and Ravagers, probably will be feared,
therefore WE have Given, and for US, our Heirs, and
Successors, do Give by these Presents, as full and unre-
strained Power, as any Captain-General of an Army ever
hath had, unto the aforesaid now Baron of
BALTIMORE, and to his Heirs and Assigns, by them-
selves or by their Captains, or other Officers, to sum-
mon to their Standards, or to array all Men, of whatso-
ever Condition, or wheresoever born, for the Time
being, in the said Province of MARYLAND, to wage
War, and to pursue, even beyond the Limits of their
Province, the Enemies and Ravagers aforesaid, infesting
those Parts by Land and by Sea, and (if GOD shall
grant it) to vanquish and captivate them, and the Cap-
tives to put to Death, or, according to their Discretion,
to save, and to do all other and singular the Things
which appertain, or have been accustomed to appertain
unto the Authority and Office of a Captain-General of
an Army.
XIII. We also will, and by this our CHARTER, do
Give unto the aforesaid now Baron of BALTIMORE,
and to his Heirs, and Assigns, Power, Liberty, and Au-
thority, that, in Case of Rebellion, sudden Tumult, or
Sedition, if any (which GOD forbid) should happen to
arise, whether upon Land within the province afore-
said, or upon the High Sea in making a Voyage to the
said province of MARYLAND, or in returning
thence, they may, by themselves, or by their Captains,
or other Officers, thereunto deputed under their Seals
(to whom WE, for US, our Heirs and Successors, by
these Presents, do Give and Grant the fullest Power
and Authority) exercise Martial Law as freely, and in as
ample Manner and Form, as any Captain-General of an
Army, by virtue of his Office may, or hath accustomed
to use the same, against the seditious Authors of Inno-
vations in those Parts, withdrawing themselves from the
Government of him or them, refusing to serve in War,
flying over to the Enemy, exceeding their Leave of Ab-
sence, Deserters, or otherwise howsoever offending
against the Rule, Law, or Discipline of War.
XIV. moreover, lest in so remote and far distant a Re-
gion, every Access to Honours and Dignities may seem
to be precluded, and utterly barred to, Men well born,
who are preparing to engage in the present Expedition,
and desirous of deserving well, both in Peace and War,
of US, and our Kingdoms; for this Cause, WE, for US,
our Heirs and Successors, do give free and plenary
Power to the aforesaid now Baron of BALTIMORE,
and to his Heirs and Assigns, to confer Favours, Re-
wards and Honours, upon such Subjects, inhabiting
within the province aforesaid, as shall be well deserv-
ing, and to adorn them with whatsoever Titles and Dig-
nities they shall appoint; (so that they be not such as
are now used in England) also to erect and incorporate
Towns into buroughs, and Buroughs into cities, with
suitable Privileges and Immunities, according to the
Merits of the Inhabitants, and Convenience of the
places; and to do all and singular other Things in the
Premisses, which to him or them shall seem fitting and
convenient; even although they shall be such as, in their
own Nature, require a more special Commandment and
Warrant than in these Presents may be expressed.
XV. we will also, and by these Presents do, for US,
our Heirs and Successors, give and grant Licence by