County Agencies
Mrs. Earl M. Clague .............. 1985
James L. Daffin .................. 1980
Oystermen s Tongers Advisory Committee
Richard A. Layman, Chairperson ......
Robert C. Haddaway .............
Robert R. Hambleton .............
Marion T. Lednum ...............
Richard Lednum, Sr. .............
Oystermen's Dredgers Advisory Committee
Wade Murphy, Chairperson .........
Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory
Allen Baynard, Chairperson .........
Extension Agents
Jean A. Baker, Chairperson ..........
Barbara E. Jeffries ...............
Donald E. Osburn ...............
K. Marc Teffeau ................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Donald Bridges (County appointee),
Chairperson ...................
Norman J. Pike, Vice-Chairperson ...... 1981
Eugene S. Schwaninger, Treasurer . . . . .1983
William E. Sharp, Jr. .............. 1982
William Beaven .................. 1984
Donald E. Osbum, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting) ............
Richard L. Shockey, District
Conservationist .................
County Seat: Hagerstown 21740
Origin: The county was created from Frederick
County by resolve of the Constitutional Con-
vention of 1776.
Name; Named for George Washington.
Form of Government: County Commissioners
Washington County/521
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws
of Washington County (1970) with supplements.
Population, 1980 (preliminary count):
Washington County ...... .June 1980: 111,316
Revised Oct. 1980: 112,764
Dist. 1, Sharpsburg ............. 2,302
Dist. 2, Williamsport ............ 4,668
Dist. 3, Hagerstown ............ 9,079
Dist. 4, Clear Spring ............ 2,341
Dist. 5, Hancock ............... 3,564
Dist. 6, Boonsboro ............. 3,891
Dist. 7, Smithsburg ............. 4,335
Dist. 8, Rohrersville ............ 1,885
Dist. 9, Leitersburg ............. 2,213
Dist. 10, Funkstown ............ 8,606
Dist. 11, Sandy Hook ........... 1,552
Dist. 12, Fairplay .............. 2,092
Dist. 13, Maugansville ........... 4,901
Dist. 14, Ringgold ............. 4,091
Dist. 15, Indian Spring .......... 1,664
Dist. 16. Beaver Creek ........... 2,698
Dist. 17, Hagerstown ............ 5,849
Dist. 18, Chewsville ............. 5,429
Dist. 19, Keedysville ............ 1,238
Dist. 20, Downsville ............ 1,506
Dist. 21, Hagerstown ............ 5,390
Dist. 22, Hagerstown ............ 4,929
Dist. 23, Wilsons .............. 2,859
Dist. 24, Cedar Lawn ........... 860
Dist. 25, Hagerstown ............ 8,122
Dist. 26, Halfway .............. 9,400
Dist. 27, Fountain Head ......... 5,028
Area: 471 sq. miles
Circuit Court
Hagerstown 21740 Telephone: 791-3112
District Court
35 W. Washington St.
Hagerstown 21740 Telephone: 791-4740
Court Terms:
Circuit Court—Grand Jury and Petit Jury, sec-
ond Monday in March and September.
Orphans' Court Days—Tuesdays and Fridays.
Circuit Court Resident Judges
John P. Corderman, Administrative
Judge ....................... 1993
Frederick C. Wright III ............ 1995