County Agencies
Office of Central Services
James W. Trexler, Acting Director .....
Howard Dove, Chief, Administrative
Services ......................
Joseph L. Applegate, Chief, Procurement
and Material Management .........
Harold Rodenhausen, Chief,
Communications ................
Wage Determination Board
Eugene F. Baldi .................
Joseph G. Bartholomy, Jr. ..........
Joseph Curtice ..................
Howard A. Grayson ..............
Vacancy ......................
Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory
Roland Dancey, Chairperson ........
Extension Agents
John J. Lancaster, Chairperson .......
Raymond V. Bosmans ............
David L. Conrad ................
Mary E. Dallavalle ...............
Nancy Gaither ..................
Jerry Gibson ...................
Viola F. Mason .................
Martha M. Myers ...............
Leslie Rankin ..................
Richard Sterrett .................
Robert F. Stewart ...............
Karol Westelink .................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Clarence S. Britt (County appointee),
Chairperson ...................
Arnold Parreco, Vice-Chairperson ..... 1984
Thomas C. Duley, Treasurer ........ 1981
R. Calvert Steuart ............... 1982
Mary S. Bottner ................. 1983
David L. Conrad, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting) ............
Chuck Hancock, District Conservationist .
County Seat: Cenireville 21617
Origin: Erected by Chapter 3, Acts of 1706.
Name: Named for Queen Anne (1665-1714),
queen of Great Britain and Ireland.
Queen Anne's County/511
Form of Government: County Commissioners
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws
of Queen Anne's County (1974) with supple-
Population, 1980 (preliminary count):
Queen Anne's County ............. 25,004
Dist. 1, Dixon ................ 2,163
Dist. 2, Church Hill ............ 2,859
Dist. 3, Cenireville ............. 4,149
Dist. 4, Kent Island ............ 7,822
Dist. 5, Queenstown ............ 4,585
Dist. 6, Ruthsburg ............. 1,080
Dist. 7, Crumpton .............. 2,346
Area: 408 sq. miles
Circuit Court
P.O. Box 460
Cenireville 21617 Telephone: 758-1773
District Court
County Office Building
Centreville 21617 Telephone: 758-0252
Court Terms:
Circuit Court—Grand Jury and Petit Jury, first
Monday in March and October.
Orphans' Court Days—Tuesdays, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Circuit Court Resident Judge
Clayton Cann Carter ............ 1980
Circuit Court Clerk
Marguerite Mankin ............... 1982
District Court Judge
John Thomas dark III ............ 1988