506/Maryland Manual
Personnel Board
Harriet T. Bernstein, Chairperson ..... 1981
Personnel Office
Clinton Milliard, Director ...........
Office of Purchasing
Mildred W. Weaver, Director ........
Office of Information
Charles Maier, Director ............
Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory
Harrison King, Chairperson .........
Extension Agents
Richard A. Biggs ................
Ann Elward ...................
Ana Gilbert ...................
Stanton A. Gill .................
Mary Ann Hewitt ...............
Susan K. Morris ................
Ruth Proctor ...................
Robert D. Raver ................
Marian B. Sutton ................
Carolyn Travers .................
Douglas Tregoning ...............
Matilda J. Walden ...............
Kendra L. Walls ................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Robert E. Brennan, Chairperson ...... 1981
Michael DeChant, Vice-Chairperson . . . 1984
Chester M, Leishear, Treasurer (County
appointee) ...................
Wiley Griffith .................. 1982
Grover Walker .................. 1983
Caroline Freeland, Honorary Associate
Supervisor ...................
Douglas Tregoning, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting) ...........
Bobby Rakestraw, District
Conservationist .................
Marshall Rea, District Manager ......
County Seat: Upper Marlboro 20870
Origin: Erected from Calvert and Charles counties
by Chapter 13, Acts of 1695 (May Session).
Name: Named for Prince George of Denmark,
husband of Queen Anne.
Form of Government: Charter (1970)
County Code: See The Code of Prince George's
County, Maryland (1979).
Population, 1980 (preliminary count):
Prince George's County ........... 639,300
Dist. 1, Vansville ............. 19,639
Dist. 2, Bladensburg ............ 34,131
Dist. 3, Marlboro .............. 5,878
Dist. 4, Nottingham ............ 2,979
Dist. 5, Piscataway ............. 22,449
Dist. 6, Spauldings ............. 88,097
Dist. 7, Queen Anne ............ 26,535
Dist. 8, Aquasco ............... 1,097
Dist. 9, Surratts ............... 35,648
Dist. 10, Laurel ............... 37,334
Dist. 11, Brandywine ............ 8,774
Dist. 12, Oxon Hill ............. 60,818
Dist. 13, Kent ................ 37,112
Dist. 14, Bowie ................ 26,006
Dist. 15, Mellwood ............. 15,602
Dist. 16, Hyattsville ............ 12,834
Dist. 17, Chillum .............. 63,949
Dist. 18, Seat Pleasant ........... 34,449
Dist. 19, Riverdale ............. 16,596
Dist. 20, Lanham .............. 33,110
Dist. 21, Berwyn ............... 56,263
Area: 496 sq. miles
Circuit Court
Upper Marlboro 20870 Telephone 952-3655
Accounting Office ............. 952-3341
Appeals Section .............. 952-3346
Assignment Office ............. 952-3292
Business Licenses ............. 952-3330
Clerk's Office ................ 952-3318
Court Auditor ............... 952-3399
Court Clerk's Office ........... 952-3377
Criminal Section .............. 952-3344
Equity Department ............ 952-3240