480/Maryland Manual
Theodore A. Haas ...............
Judith A. Pugh .................
one vacancy ....................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Ployd Allred, Jr., Chairperson ........ 1981
Alfred Workman, Vice-Chairperson ..... 1980
Edgar B. Hevelow, Treasurer ......... 1982
Alfred Miller .................... 1983
William B. Baker (County appointee) . .
Theodore A. Haas, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting) ...........
David H. Wilson, District Conservationist
Donna Gagner, District Manager .....
County Seat: La Plata 20646
Origin: Created by an Order in Council of 1658.
It is not to be confused with an earlier Charles
County (1650-1653) known as Old Charles
Name: Named for Charles Calvert, son and heir
of Cecilius Calvert, Second Lord Baltimore.
Form of Government: County Commissioners
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws
of Charles County (1969) with supplements.
Population, 1980 (preliminary count):
Charles County June 25, 1980: ....... .68,428
Revised Sept. 24, 1980: ........... .72,343
Dist. 1, La Plata ................ 6,513
Dist. 2, Hill Top ................ 1,363
Dist. 3, Nanjemoy ............... 2,392
Dist. 4, Aliens Fresh ............. 2,965
Dist. 5, Thompkinsville ............ 3,178
Dist. 6, Waldorf ................ .25,498
Dist. 7, Pomonkey and Potomac
Heights ..................... 10,780
Dist. 8, Bryantown .............. 10,324
Dist. 9, Hughesville ............... 2,176
Dist. 10, Marbury ................ 3,239
Area: 502 sq. miles
La Plata 20646 Telephone: 934-8141
from Washington, D.C.: 870-3000
(Circuit Court
and District Court)
Court Terms:
Circuit Court—Grand Jury and Petit Jury,
fourth Monday in March and September.
Orphans' Court Days—First and third Tuesday
in every month.
Circuit Court Resident Judges
George W. Bowling ............... 1991
Richard J. Clark ................. 1995
Circuit Court Clerk
Patrick C. Mudd ................. 1982
District Court Judge
Robert C. Nalley ................ 1990
Dennis Fean, Administrative Clerk .....
Richard A. Day III, Clerk ..........
District Court Commissioners
Mary Ames ....................
William A. Brown, Jr. .............
John Baer .....................
Cathy Canter ...................
Orphans' Court Judges
Henry D. Middleton, Chic/Judge ..... 1982
Rosalie W. Corn ................. 1982
H. Celeste Downs ................ 1982
Register of Wills
Gertrude C. Wright ............... 1982
David D. Fuller ................. 1982
State's Attorney
Stephen J. Brau .................
District Public Defender
John F. Slade III ................