478/Maryland Manual
Board of County Commissioners
Room 101
County Office Building
Elkton 21921 Telephone: 398-0200, ext. 100
and 658-4041, ext. 100
Meeting Days: Monday, 1:30 p.m.; Tuesday, 10:00
Board of County Commissioners
Robert C. Adams, Dist. 2, President .... 1982
William C. Manlove, Dist. 1 ......... 1982
Frank D. Ragan, Dist. 3 ............ 1982
David T. Pinder, Administrative Assistant
and Clerk ...................
Dennis S. Clower, Attorney ..........
M. Rebecca Jackson ............... 1983
Supervisor of Assessments
Harold Henderson ...................
Board a/Supervisors of Elections
Paul C. Dennis .................. 1981
J. Victor McCool ................. 1981
Geraldine F. Russell ............... 1981
Nancy Lee Herman, substitute ........ 1981
Kennard W. Merrey, substitute ........ 1981
Civil Defense and Emergency Preparedness
Daniel H. Mahan, Jr., Director .......
Henry A. Metz, alternate ..........
Fire Investigator
Joseph Zurello ..................
Deputy Medical Examiner
Joel B. Miller, M.D. ..............
Health Department
Virginia Bailey, M.D., Health Officer . .
William Sumner, Environmental Health
Director .....................
Board of Health
Board of County Commissioners, ex
officio ......................
Hospital Board
James A. Crothers II, President ......
Mental Health Advisory Committee
Elma Gates, Chairperson ...........
Board of Education
Dr. Leroy Manlove, President ........ 1982
Frances M. Hubis, ^ice-President ..... 1983
Kathryn S. Ward ................ 1981
James A. Wilson, Jr. .............. 1984
Dr. Philip M. Howe .............. 1985
Superintendent of Schools
H. Orville Berwick ...............
Cecil Community College
Dr. Robert L. Gell, President ........
Cecil Community College, Board of Trustees
Elizabeth Obenshain, Chairperson ..... 1985
Dr. Robert L. Gell, Secretary-Treasurer .
Virginia White Brown ............. 1981
Rodney Smith .................. 1982
Daniel Hall .................... 1983
Jeanette L. Cole ................. 1984
Mary Maloney .................. 1986
Patrick John Ulrich ............... 1986
Board of JAhrary Trustees
Mrs. James Crothers .............. 1981
Evans McKinney ................ 1983
Argus F. Robinson ............... 1983
Rebecca Smith .................. 1983
Isabelle C. Lynch ................ 1984
Morton F. Taylor ................ 1984
Richard E. Jackson ............... 1985
Grace P. Slocum .................
Social Services Board
F. Grove Miller, Chairperson ........ 1983
Donald Gee .................... 1981
Eva Muse ..................... 1981
Charlotte McCool ................ 1982
Rev. Robert C. Prior .............. 1982
John N. Williams ................ 1982
Herman Gonzalez ................ 1983
Faye Stephens .................. 1983
Frank D. Ragan, County Commissioner,
ex officio ....................
Director of Social Services
John R. Koch ..................
Children's Council
Sandra M. Schwartz, Chairperson .....
Foster Care Review Board
Doris Asti ..................... 1982
Mary Jane Fogg ................. 1982
Diane Fox ..................... 1982
Phillip Guenzer .................. 1982
Carolyn Scott ................... 1982