County Agencies
David F. Tribbett ................. 1983
Dawson H. Carroll ................ 1985
Board of Zoning Appeals
Gerard T. Warwick, Jr., Chairperson .... 1982
Robert L. Serviss, Sr. .............. 1980
Harry H. Rieck, Jr. ............... 1981
W. A. Stewart Wright, Jr., alternate . . . .1981
Carl Thomton, Zoning Administrator . .
Economic Development Commission
W. A. Stewart Wright, Jr., Chairperson . .1983
Lee McMahan, Vice-Chairperson ...... 1981
Ruth Chambers, Treasurer .......... 1981
J. D. Neal...................... 1982
Robert Willey ................... 1983
Alan Thornton .................. 1984
John K. Shults .................. 1985
Torbert Williamson ............... 1985
Paul S. Wise, Administrator .........
Roads Board
Board of County Commissioners .....
Charles T. Dean, Sr., Chairperson .....
Charles Emerson, Superintendent .....
Board of License Commissioners
Howard M. Mezick, Chairperson ...... 1983
Robert Gray .................... 1981
Ralph W. Eirick ................. 1982
Vacancy, alternate ...............
Carl L. Thornton, Jr., Administrator . . .
Plumbing Board
Thomas L. Jarvis, Chairperson ........ 1981
Thomas C. Eveland, County
Commissioner .................
G. Walter Breeding ............... 1981
Harold Lord .................... 1981
one vacancy ....................
Edwin E. Schanken, Inspector .......
Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory
William H. Kleinwachter, Chairperson . .
Extension Agents
Donna Kimball, Home Economics ....
James A. Perkins, Agriculture and
Community Resource Development . . .
Loyal C. Reger, 4-H and Youth ......
Robert J. Rouse, Agricultural Science . .
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
William Greenage, Chairperson ........ 1984
D. Wheatley Neal, Vice-Chairperson
(County appointee) ..............
Caroline County/473
F. Elmer Robinson, Treasurer ........ 1983
M. Laverne Bullock ............... 1981
Gary L. Schoonover .............. 1982
Robert J. Rouse, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting) ............
James E. Hannawald, District
Conservationist .................
Joan Price, District Manager .........
County Seat: Westminster 21157
Origin: Erected from Baltimore and Frederick
Counties by Chapter 256, Acts of 1835, con-
firmed by Chapter 19, Acts of 1836, which was
passed January 19, 1837.
Name: Named for Charles Carroll of Carroll-
ton (1737-1832), distinguished Revolutionary
statesman and Maryland signer of the Declara-
tion of Independence.
Form of Government: County Commissioners
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws
of Carroll County (1976) with supplements.
Population, 1980 (preliminary count):
Carroll County .................. 94,825
Dist. 1, Taneytown ............... 5,167
Dist. 2, Uniontown ............... 3,188
Dist. 3, Myers ................... 3,933
Dist. 4, Woolerys ............... 11,147
Dist. 5, Freedom ................ 13,423
Dist. 6, Manchester ............... 8,046
Dist. 7, Westminster ............. 18,944
Dist. 8, Hampstead ............... 7,703
Dist. 9, Franklin ................. 4,867
Dist. 10, Middleburg .............. 1,275
Dist. 11, New Windsor ............ 2,622
•Dist. 12, Union Bridge ............. 1,612
Dist. 13, Mount Airy ............. 4,069
Dist. 14, Berrett ................. 8,829