184/Maryland Manual
Philip C. Holmes, Director
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3358
The Developmental Disabilities Council, furn-
ished administrative support and guidance by the
Office of Regulatory Services, is appointed by the
Governor and authorized by Public Law 95-602.
The Council is an advocate and representative of
almost 153,000 developmentally disabled persons
in Maryland. The Council provides information
and referral sources within Maryland, contributes
to State and federal legislation pertinent to the
handicapped, and draws attention to issues im-
pacting on the disabled population.
Ethel U. Stern, Coordinator
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383^2709
The functions of examining, licensing, and sur-
veillance of health professionals in Maryland are
conducted by this component of Regulatory Ser-
vices. Numerous boards and commissions, estab-
lished to regulate a wide range of health profes-
sionals, are provided assistance and support by
the Boards and Commissions Division. In addi-
tion, nominations and recommendations for board
and commission membership are coordinated by
this division for approval by the Secretary of
Health and Mental Hygiene and by the Gover-
nor, as appropriate.
Chairperson: Lloyd Guth, M.D., University of
Maryland School of Medicine
Vice-Chairperson: E. B. Hall-Craggs, M.D.
Mark Burchette, M.D.; Donald B. Newjman,
M.D.; Vincent D. Provenza, M.D.; MiUiael
N. Sheridan, M.D.; Allan Walker, M.D.
29 South Greene Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 547^1222
The Anatomy Board of Maryland, an ex officio
body officially created by Chapter 669, Acjts of
1947, had its membership altered by Chapter 436,
Acts of 1975 and by Chapter 195, Acts of 1977.
The Board now consists of two representatives
from each of the departments of anatomy of med-
ical schools in the State of Maryland and one
representative of the Department of Anatomy of
the University of Maryland School of Dentistry.
The members of the Board are designated by the
administrative officers of each school. The pur-
pose of the agency is to ensure the proper distri-
bution of bodies to qualified hospitals, medical
schools, and other agencies engaged in medical
education and research. Such bodies are used
only for medical education and research. If, how-
ever, a body is claimed for burial by relatives it is
surrendered for interment. The Board also carries
out the provisions in the laws regulating Consent
to Post Mortem Examination (Chapter 315, Acts
of 1961) and the Anatomical Gift Act (Chapter
467, Acts of 1968). Bodies are distributed chiefly
to The Johns Hopkins University School of Medi-
cine and the University of Maryland Schools of
Medicine and Dentistry according to an arranged
plan (Code 1957, Art. 43, secs. 158-161).
A Citizens Advisory Board to each of the
State's mental, chronically ill, and mental retarda-
tion facilities (except the Maryland Psychiatric
Research Center) was established by Chapter 499,
Acts of 1972.
Each Advisory Board consists of seven mem-
bers appointed by the Governor from a list of
names submitted by the Secretary of Health and
Mental Hygiene. Terms are for four years, and no
member may serve more than two full consecu-
tive terms.
Members of the Boards must be citizens of the
State and residents of the county or City of
Baltimore, as the case may be, in the region
served by each facility, and known for their inter-
est in civic and public affairs and their concern
about the care of the mentally ill, mentally re-
tarded, or chronically ill. At least two members
of each board must be parents or relatives of pa-
tients, or former patients, of the host facility or a
similar State facility. Each Board elects its own
Each Board serves in an advisory capacity to
its facility. The Board advises the superintendent
in the determination of the hospital goals and as-
sists in evaluating the achievement of such goals.