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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 887   View pdf image (33K)
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Name lndex/887

Douglas, Henry Kyd 733
Douglass, Calvin A 573
Douglass, John W 22, 25, 38, 65, 578,
Douglass, Robert L 27, 38, 48, 291, 577,
Douglass, Stuart 0 184
Dove, Ercell 170
Dove, Howard 503
Dove, Ronald 482
Dove, Webster C 557
Dovel, Olin A , Jr 465
Dowdell, Albert 157
Dowell, James 465
Dowgwillo, Joanne G 382
Down, Donta DeLemos 190
Downes, James M 505
Downes, Vachel A , Jr 306
Downey, Charles 513
Downey, Daniel L 490
Downey, Frank C 118
Downey, Jesse B 493
Downey, R Lee 315, 513, 514
Downs, Arthur W 559, 590
Downs, H Celeste 475
Downs, Hugh G , Jr 262
Downs, John F,Jr 441,502
Downs, John H, Jr 661,690
Doxzen, David 480
Doyle, James J , Jr 320
Doyle, James J 106
Drain, Donald E 170
Draper, Elizabeth C 504
Draper, Kathenne 504
Draper, William 0, Sr 198
Drayton, Elmont B 526
Drea, Arthur S , Jr 560, 592
Drea, Arthur S 441
Drechsler, Joseph 528
Dredden, Mrs George 481
Dressel, Barry 529
Drews, Frank 713
Driver, Matthew 745
Drolsum, A Ray 322
Dryden, Eimo 709
Dryden, Fillmore E , Jr 576, 606
Dryden, George 518
Dryden, James 519
Dryden, Kenneth D 462
Dryden, Littleton Thomas 508
Dryden, Mrs George H 519
Dubel, Robert Y 304,461,462
DuBuque, Michael 479
Duckett, Allen B 730
Duckett, Warren B, Jr 273, 287, 309, 325, 456
Duda, Hilda 485
Duden, Richard 570
Dudley, D Richmond, Jr 306
Dudley, Margaret M 241
Dudley, Richmond 172
Dudrow, Donald 467
Duffee, E Bumell, Jr 136
Duffee, Georgia 279,280
Duffey, Dick 180

Duffy, John E 559
Duffy, Patnck J 524
Duke, Ellis 153
Dukes, Charles A , Jr 744
Dukes, June 515
Dulany, Ralph 0 292
Dulany, William B 305, 383, 743
Duley, Thomas C 503
Dull, Glenn R 514
Dullin.C Kenneth 511
Dunbar, Mary 465
Dunbar, Walter T 171
Duncan, Kenneth V 500
Duncan, Robert 0 500
Dunham, William B 273
Dunkle, Maurice 465
Dunlap, David 256
Dunlap, Patncia W 564
Dunn, Elmer E 456
Dunn, Leo William, Jr 382
Dunne, Richard 278
Dunne, Richard G 306
Dunnell, David 622
DuPont, Mrs Coleman 136
DuPont, Samuel F 474
Durding, Benjamin 493
Duree, David T 570
Durey, Onn J 22
Durham, Gloria H 711
Durham, Howard W 267
Dunty, Harry L 657
Dutcher, Patti J 153
Dutterer, Ruth M 468
Dutton, Ida 493
Duvall, Edmund P 742
Duvall, Frances 480
Duvall, Gabnel 729, 730, 740, 748, 755
Duvall, Garner W 261, 263
Duvall, Grafton 731
Duvall, Harold 329
Duvall, Jerry B 496
Duvall, Joanne B 483
Duvall, Lewis 730
DuVall, R Benson 493
DuVall, Washington 742
Duvall, William G 336
Dvorak, Robert 456
Dyer, Daniel W 708
Dyer, Margaret L 711
Dyett, Leroy 0 173
Dyke, Samuel H 203
Dykes, W C 248
Dykes, William E, Jr 321,327
Dymowski, Leo Wayne 670
Dypski, Cornell N 38, 48, 579, 607, 669, 695
Dypski, Raymond A 38, 66, 579, 607, 670, 695
Dyson, (i limothy 459
Dyson, Kenneth L 475
Dyson, Royden P 35, 66, 257, 567, 600,
Eagan, Frances P 713
Eagan, Hazel 482

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Maryland Manual, 1979-80
Volume 179, Page 887   View pdf image (33K)
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