Article V
SEC. 10. No person shall be eligible to the
office of State's Attorney, who has not been ad-
mitted to practice Law in this State, and who
has not resided, for at least two years, in the
county, or city, in which he may be elected.
SEC. ll.'^ In case of a vacancy in the office
of State's Attorney, or of his removal from the
county or city in which he shall have been
elected, or on his conviction as herein specified,
the Judge or Judges resident in the county or, if
there be no resident Judge, the Judge or Judges
having jurisdiction in the Circuit Court of the
county in which the vacancy occurs, or by the
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City for a vacancy
occurring in Baltimore City, shall appoint a per-
son to fill the vacancy for the residue of the
SEC. 12.'^ The State's Attorney in each
County, and the City of Baltimore, shall have au-
thority to collect, and give receipt, in the name of
the State, for such sums of money as may be col-
lected by him, and forthwith make return of and
pay over the same to the proper accounting offi-
cer. And the State's Attorney of each county, and
the City of Baltimore, before he shall enter on the
discharge of his duties, and from time to time
thereafter, shall give such corporate surety bond
as may hereafter be prescribed by Act of the
General Assembly.
SECTION 1.^ There shall be a Treasury De-
partment, consisting of a Comptroller chosen by
the qualified electors of the State, who shall re-
ceive such salary as may be fixed by law; and a
Treasurer, to be appointed on joint ballot by the
two Houses of the Legislature at each regular ses-
sion in which begins the term of the Governor,
who shall receive such salary as may be fixed by
law. The terms of office of the Comptroller and
Treasurer shall be for four years, and until their
successors shall qualify; and neither of the officers
shall be allowed, or receive any fees, commissions
or perquisites of any kind in addition to his sala-
ry for the performance of any duty or services
whatsoever. In case of a vacancy in the office of
"' Thus amended by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified No-
vember 7,1978.
'** Thus amended by Chapter 529, Acts of 1945, ratified No-
vember 5,1946.
"' Thus amended by Chapter 681, Acts of 1977, ratified No-
vember 7,1978. |
Constitution of Maryland/827
the Comptroller by death or otherwise, the
Governor, by and with the advice and consent
of the Senate, shall fill such vacancy by ap-
pointment, to continue until another election
and until the qualification of the successor. In
case of a vacancy in the office of the Treasurer
by death or otherwise, the Deputy Treasurer
shall act as Treasurer until the next regular or
extraordinary session of the Legislature follow-
ing the creation of the vacancy, whereupon the
Legislature shall choose a successor to serve for
the duration of the unexpired term of office.
The Comptroller and the Treasurer shall keep
their offices at the seat of government, and shall
take such oaths and enter into such bonds for
the faithful discharge of their duties as are now
or may hereafter be prescribed by law.
SEC. 2."** The Comptroller shall have the
general superintendence of the fiscal affairs of
the State; he shall digest and prepare plans for
the improvement and management of the reve-
nue, and for the support of the public credit;
prepare and report estimates of the revenue and
expenditures of the State; superintend and en-
force the prompt collection of all taxes and
revenues; adjust and settle, on terms prescribed
by law, with delinquent collectors and receivers
of taxes and State revenue; preserve all public
accounts; and decide on the forms of keeping
and stating accounts. He, or such of his depu-
ties as may be authorized to do so by the Leg-
islature, shall grant, under regulations prescribed
by Law, all warrants for money to be paid out
of the Treasury, in pursuance of appropriations
by law, and countersign all checks drawn by
the Treasurer upon any bank or banks in which
the moneys of the State, may, from time to
time, be deposited. He shall prescribe the for-
malities of the transfer of stock, or other evi-
dence of the State debt, and countersign the
same, without which such evidence shall not be
valid; he shall make to the General Assembly
full reports of all his proceedings, and of the
state of the Treasury Department within ten
days after the commencement of each session;
and perform such other duties as shall be pre-
scribed by law.
SEC. 3.'^ The Treasurer shall receive the
moneys of the State, and, until otherwise pre-
scribed by law, deposit them, as soon as received,
to the credit of the State, in such bank or banks
'** Thus amended by Chapter 133, Acts of 1929, ratified No-
vember 4,1930.
'" Thus amended by Chapter 632, Acts of 1973, ratified No-
vember 5,1974. |