742/Maryland Manual
Somerset. Isaac D. Jones, James U. Dennis, William
H. Gale, Andrew J. Crawford, John C. Horsey.
Dorchester. Thomas J. Hodson, Alward Johnson,
Washington A. Smith, Thomas J. Dail.
Cecil. Thomas P. Jones, George Earle, Joseph B.
Pugh, David Scott.
Prince George's. Daniel Clarke, Samuel H. Berry,
Edward W. Belt, Fendall Marbury.
Queen Anne's. John Lee, PereWilmer, John Brown.
Worcester. William T. Pumell, Thomas B. Smith,
William H. W. Farrow, Francis T. Murray.
Frederick. Samuel Keefer, Frederick Schley, Da-
vid J. Markey, Andrew Annan, Henry Baker,
B. A. Cunningham, Peter G. Schlosser.
Harford. John A. Hooper, William Galloway,
George M. McComas, Thomas Russell.
Caroline. Robert W. Todd, James D. Carter,
Twiford S. Noble.
Baltimore City. Samuel T. Hatch, Joseph H.
Audoun, Henry Stockbridge, William Brooks,
John Barren, Joseph M. Gushing, John L.
Thomas, Jr„ Baltis H. Kennard, Edwin A.
Abbott, Archibald Stirling, Jr., William Daniel.
Washington. Peter Negley, Henry W. Dellinger,
James P. Mayhugh, John R. Sneary, Lewis B.
Nyman, Joseph E, Davis.
Montgomery. Edmund P. Duvall, Thomas
Lansdale, George Peter.
Allegany. Albert C. Greene, Hopewell Hebb, Jasper
Robinette, George A. Thruston, Jacob Wickard.
Carroll. John E. Smith, Jonas Ecker, John Swope,
William S. Wooden.
Howard. Joel Hopkins, George W, Sands, James
Richard B. Carmichael, Queen Anne's County,
Milton Y. Kidd, Cecil County, Secretary
Allegany. Thomas Perry, Alfred Spates, William |
Principal Officers of Maryland
Walsh, J. Philip Roman, Jacob Hoblitzell,
Thomas J. McKaig.
Anne Arundel. James R. Howison, Thomas 1.
Hall, E. G. Kilbourn, Luther Giddings.
Baltimore City. 1st Legislative Dist.: Lindsay H.
Rennolds, Ezra Whitman, John H. Barnes, Isaac
S. George, Joshua Vansant, Edward F. Flaherty,
James A. Henderson. 2nd Legislative Dist.:
George M. Gill, George Wm. Brown, Bernard
Carter, Albert Ritchie, Henry F. Garey, George
W. Dobbin, J. Hall Pleasants. 3rd Legislative
Dist.: James R. Brewer, John Ferry, J. Mont-
gomery Peters, John Frank, Jos. P. Merryman, 1.
M. Denson, Walter S. Wilkinson.
Baltimore. Chas. A. Buchanan, John Wethered,
Ephraim Bell, Anthony Kennedy, Samuel W.
Starr, Charles H. Nicolai, Robert C. Barry.
Calvert. John Parran, Charles S. Parran, John F.
Caroline. R. E. Hardcastle, Chas. E. Tarr,
Tilghman H. Hubbard, W. H. Watkins.
Carroll. John K. Longwell, George W. Manro,
Sterling Gait, Benj. W. Bennett, Thomas F.
Cover, Wm. N. Hayden.
Cecil. Benj. B. Chambers, George R. Howard,
James B. Groome, James 0. McCormick, Eli
Charles. Walter Mitchell, Vivian Brent, John T.
Dorchester. James Wallace, Wm. T.
Goldsborough, George E. Austin, Levin
Frederick. William P. Maulsby, Frederick J.
Nelson, Harry W. Dorsey, Outerbridge Horsey,
William S. MePherson, John B. Thomas,
Dewitt C. Johnson.
Harford. Henry D. Famandis, Henry W. Archer,
John Evans, Evans S. Rogers, Henry A. Silver.
Howard. Wm. M. Merrick, James Mackubin,
Henry 0. Devries, James Morris.
Kent. Joseph A. Wickes, Richard W. Ringgold,
C. H. B. Massey, Wm. Janvier.
Montgomery. Greenbury M. Watkins, Nicholas
Brewer, Samuel Riggs, of R„ Washington
DuVall. |