54/Maryland Manual
ROBERT E. STROBLE, Republican, District 11. Born in Williamsport, Pa., May
14, 1940. Attended Williamsport public schools; Lock Haven State College, B.S.,
1963; Loyola College, M.Ed., 1967; Morgan State University, M.S., 1970; University
of Maryland, Ph.D., 1975; Fulbright Fellow (India); Educator. Member, local, State,
and national teachers' and school administrators' associations; Phi Delta Kappa; re-
cipient of numerous distinguished service awards and citations. Married. Member of
the House of Delegates, 1971 - 1975. Member of the Senate since 1975. District of-
fice. 1839 Locust Ridge Rd„ Lutherville-Timonium 21093. Annapolis office: 406
James Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-3283.
EDWARD P. THOMAS, Republican, District 3. Born in Frederick, August 3,
1928. Attended Frederick public schools; Mercersburg Academy; Washington and
Lee University, B.A., 1950. Businessman. Served in the U.S. Army, 1950-1952.
Chairman, Republican State Central Committee of Maryland, 1973-1974. Chair-
man, Frederick County Republican State Central Committee, 1966- 1970. Member,
Frederick County G.O.P. Club; Eagles; Lions; Fraternal Order of Police; Frederick
Catoctin Club; Frederick Touchdown Club; Frederick Y.M.C.A. Secretary-treasurer,
Maryland State BPAA; BPAA Legislative Committee. Member, Frederick Cotillion
Club; Elks; American Legion; AMVETS; V.F.W. Board of Visitors, Maryland
School for the Deaf. Married; four children. Member of the Senate since 1971,
Served on Judicial Proceedings Committee; Economic Affairs Committee; Joint
Committee on Corrections; Executive Nominations Committee; numerous guberna-
torial commissions and task forces. District office: 10 W. College Terr., Frederick
21701; tel. 662-0713. Annapolis office: 403 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-3467.
VERDA F. WELCOME, Democrat, District 40. Born in Lake Lure, N.C. Attended
North Carolina and Delaware public schools; Coppin Normal School; Morgan State
College, B.S., 1939; New York University, M.S., 1943; Columbia University. Former
teacher. Member, Senate Finance Committee; Governor's Commission on Funding of
Public Education; Security Guard Commission. Member, Americans for Democratic
Action; Board of Governors, 4th District Democratic Organization of Baltimore
City, Inc.; Valiant Women's Democratic Club; Baltimore Urban League. Board
member. Citizen's Planning and Housing Association; League of Women Voters;
Maryland State Division, American Association of University Women. Life member,
NAACP. Member, American Civil Liberties Union; National Order of Women
Legislators, Maryland Chapter, National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Member, Advi-
sory Board, Provident Hospital. Founder and member, Mondawmin Improvement
Association. Life member, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Received many distinguished
service awards and citations. Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1959 -
1963. Member of the Senate since 1963. District office: 3423 Holmes Avenue,
Baltimore 21217; tel. 669-7110. Annapolis office: 101 Pres. Wing, James Bldg.,
21401; tel. 269-3794.
PATRICK T. WELSH, Democrat, District 8. Born in Baltimore, August 12, 1950.
Attended Baltimore County parochial schools; Towson State College, B.A., 1972.
Steelworker. Member, Mayor's Advisory Committee on Municipal Problems and
Solutions, 1973. Concerned Citizens of Dundalk; Dundalk Policy Community
Relations Council Member, board of directors. Alumni Association of Towson State
College. Member, Dundalk Concert Association; Dundalk Knights of Columbus.
Member of the House of Delegates 1975- 1979. Member of the House Economic
Matters Committee; Secretary of the Baltimore County Delegation, 1977 -1978.
Member of the Port of Baltimore Subcommittee, 1977. Member of the Senate since
1979. Married. District office: 1930 Midland Road, Dundalk 21222; tel. 282-8758.
Annapolis office: 310 James Bldg., 21401; tel. 269-3624.