County Agencies
J. Edwin Hobbs .................
James Taylor ...................
Recreation Commission
(Appointed by the County Council)
William E. Simms, Chairperson .......
Director of Recreation and Parks
(Appointed by the Recreation Commission)
Lome C. Rickert ...,
Planning and Zoning Commission
(Appointed by the County Council with the
advice of the City Council of Salisbury)
John C. Somers, Jr., Chairperson .......1981
Betty K. Gardner, County Council ....
Corinne Lescallette ................1981
Samuel Seidel ....................1981
Vacancy ......................
Merrill J. Burhans, Director of Planning
Board of Zoning Appeals
Max Hughes, Chairperson ..........
Richard E. Holloway ............. .1979
Lee Townsend ...................1979
J. Phillips Wright ................ .1980
Willard Puscy, alternate .............1979
County Roads Engineer
Charles K. Banks . . .
Department of Public Works
Delbert M. Davis, Jr., Director .......
Building Inspector
Joseph Hearn ...................
Urban Services Commission
County Council, ex officio ..........
Airport Commission
(Appointed by the County Council)
Edward J. Kremer, Chairperson ......
Board of Electrical Examiners
(Appointed by tile County Council)
Ernest C. Matthews, Chairperson ..... .1980
R. Paul Hall, Vice-Chairperson ........1979
Raymond J. Matheu .............. .1979
Carroll L. Ennis .... . .. 1980
Frank Lynch ......... 1981
Personnel Board
Russell E. Nichols, Chairperson .......1981
Ronald C. Holloway .............. .1981
Charles Messick 1981
Frank Morris ....................1981
Daniel Ulm .....................1981 |
Wicomico County/517
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
Norris B. Twilley, Chairperson ........ 1980
Everett R. Burns ................. 1980
Rebecca Farlow ................. 1981
Liquor Control Board
Roslyn P. Jaffe ....... 1981
William P. Long ................. 1981
Philip Lee Tilghman .............. 1981
Extension Agents
Robert G. Miller .....
Ellen P. Pusey . . .
Gamie A. Poison , ......
Bettie Wolfe Collins ...............
Wayne V. Shaff ..................
Sharon Bagwell ,. ......
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Edward Holloway, Chairperson ....... 1980
Crawford D. Rayne, Vice-Chairperson . . . 1982
Robert M. Davis (County appointee) . . .
William I.Guy .................. 1979
Richard Wright.................. 1981
Robert G. Miller, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting) ..............
County Seat: Snow Hill 21863
Origin: Created from Somerset County, by
Chapter 9, Acts of 1742.
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Name: Named after the Earl of Worcester.
Form of Government: Code Home Rule
Population, 1970:
Worcester County............. 24,442
Dist. 1, Costen's ............. 5,843
Dist. 2, Snow Hill . . 4,671
Dist. 3, Berlin 6,136
Dist. 4, Newark .............. 805 |